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Your poor pup has been wounded. Maybe he got into something while outside, maybe he stepped on something, or maybe he had a fight with another animal. Once you get past the initial shock and worry for your pup, you will need to clean his wound to ensure dirt, debris, and bacteria don't build up and fester causing an infection and additional pain. After cleaning your little guy’s wound, assess him for a possible trip to your veterinarian's office. Try to remain calm because he can sense your energy. It will help keep him calm as well.
If your pup has been injured, he is probably in some pain and potentially even scared. His adrenaline may be running high, and he could either be acting rather subdued or excited and anxious.
I am wondering if I can use dial soap to clean a dog's wound just a couple of times until tomorrow, will that be ok?
Hello, this is a question best directed at a veterinarian, but my thoughts would be no. This is because the soap is perfumy and may also have ingredients that could sting or irritate a wound. We do have the option to ask a vet here: but I assume you are seeing your vet tomorrow. All the best to Kacey - I would use clean water for now!
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