Need regular grooming services?
Smelly puppy ears are usually a sign that your pup's ears have become a breeding ground for bacteria or yeast, or are at the very least dirty and should be cleaned.
Don't despair! This can be normal when a dog's ears are floppy or very hairy. Luckily, cleaning your puppy's ears is simple, and you are at the perfect stage in his life to make this grooming ritual fun and rewarding, rather than stressful or scary.
If ear cleaning is made out to be an exciting or rewarding activity - through tone of voice, praise and treats - a puppy can quickly become used to and even look forward to it. And because regular ear cleaning is an important part of overall dog grooming health, that will make a world of difference for you as he grows up.
Alternatively, to a puppy, everything new and novel can seem like a game. Therefore being sat down for an ear cleaning can elicit movement and energy, a desire to play or squirm rather than stay still. This isn't your pup's fault - just something to keep in mind when preparing for his first ear cleaning session.