How to Clean Your Puppy's Face

10 - 15 Minutes
2 Days


If your pup is like most puppies, he probably gets into all kinds of messy situations. This means his face is going to need constant cleaning unless you want him to walk around looking scruffy. There are two key things you need to have to make the process more enjoyable to your pup. The first is a warm and friendly environment, the second is for you to be very gentle from start to finish. The skin on your pup's face is very sensitive and if you use the wrong kind of soap, you could cause damage to it. 

Dog's Perspective

Your dog isn't going to be very fond of having you near his face with water and a soapy washcloth. If you can't get him to let you pour water over his face to get it wet, you can always use a wet washcloth. If he will let you pour water over his face, be sure to keep it out of his eyes and ears. 

The Wet Wash Cloth Method

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Slicker Brush
Get things ready to go
Fill a dish tub or sink with tepid water and a little bit of vet-approved soap or shampoo.
Prepare the hound
Start by going over your pup's face with a brush to remove dirt, debris, and any leftover bits of food near his mouth. If he has long hair, be gentle in case there are any tangles. If there are tangles, gently remove them with a comb or brush. Plug his ears with cotton balls to keep water from getting in them.
Eyes and ears
Using a wet washcloth and a little soap or shampoo, gently wash around your pup's eyes. Starting with the eyes will help keep bacteria away from his eyes. Wash the outside of his ears and then inside the flaps, but not down into his ear canal.
Wipe the rest of his face
Continue on with the soapy washcloth and go over the rest of his face, including under his chin. Be gentle yet firm. After all, you are trying to wash the dirt from his face.
That long mouth hair
If your pup has long hair around his mouth, pay very close attention to this area as it tends to be a great food collector.
Rinse and dry
Using a pitcher of clean water or a dripping wet wash cloth, rinse all traces of soap or shampoo from your pup's face and gently towel him dry.
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The Warm Space Method

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Slicker Brush
Start out warm
Start out by warming up the room in which you are going to wash your pup's face.
The wet sponge
Run a bowl of tepid soapy water using dog shampoo and wet a sponge in it.
Gently wipe
Using the sponge, gently remove any milk or food residue and any other dirt or debris from your pup's face.
Groom his face
Take a slicker brush and go over your pup's face to remove tangles, dirt and debris. This will make cleaning his face much easier.
The mother's touch
Using a circular motion that mimics a mother dog's cleaning action with her tongue, slowly clean your pup's entire face. Rinse with a little fresh water and dry him with a nice soft towel. All done.
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Caution & Considerations

  • Be very careful around your pup's eyes and ears. The soap can make his eyes burn. Getting water in his ears can lead to discomfort and possible infection.
  • Not all dogs will tolerate running water on their faces.
  • You can use a washcloth on those dogs who don't like running water.
  • If possible, don't use soap right next to his eyes, this will reduce the risk of irritation.
  • Always start at the eyes and work your way out. This will help to keep bacteria found on the rest of his face from getting into his eyes.
  • Be sure you rinse his face fully clear of any soap residue with fresh water or a cloth soaked in fresh water. 


Your pup will always look his best if you give his face a good washing ever couple of days. Of course, if he gets it dirty more often, that just gives you more opportunities to fuss over him while you wash his cute little face. 

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