Need regular grooming services?
You have a dog who may be anxious about everything from every noise to any person or animal who crosses his path. You can bet if your little guy has high anxieties every day, he’s going to be nervous when it’s time for a haircut. The trick to making your nervous dog comfortable during a haircut is to introduce him to the tools and the actions before you dive into cutting his hair. Once he understands these strange looking scissors, brushes, and clippers are not going to hurt him but will instead, provide him comfort when he feels lighter and better with a new haircut, he will eventually begin to lighten up a little--at least when it comes to cutting his hair, if not other things.
Anxiety is a serious disorder for many dogs. It’s not easy for some dogs to deal with grooming tasks because they don’t understand what could potentially happen. These dogs might be nervous about anything and everything, or they may only be nervous about getting their haircut. Either way, take this anxiety seriously and provide your little guy with lots of comfort.