Need regular grooming services?
Your long-haired dog might be a Bearded Collie or an Afghan Hound, a Havanese, Maltese, Yorkshire Terrier, or a Lhasa Apso. No matter what the breed or combination thereof, long-haired dogs are beautiful to look at, as long as they are groomed properly, of course. If not groomed regularly, however, they can become matted, dirty, scraggly messes! Long-haired breeds need regular grooming and care in order to have those long flowing locks managed and to prevent mats that can interfere with movement and result in skin infections and sores.
If you are planning on getting a long haired dog, plan on spending some time daily or every other day grooming them, so they can look their best and stay healthy.
Daily, regular brushing will keep knots, and mats from forming and becoming a problem. Mats and knots can create dermatological issues or have to be cut out with scissors, which will not look as good and can expose skin in cold or hot weather to damage from frostbite or sunburn.
Keep sessions regular and short so your long-haired dog does not develop a tangled coat, which leads to a long and uncomfortable grooming session, which can result in a frustrated dog that does not want to cooperate with grooming.
Be careful trimming excess hair. Keep scissors parallel to the dog, do not point scissors at the dog.
Be gentle removing tangles so as not to hurt your dog. Use detanglers, oils, or baby powder and appropriate grooming tools to help make the process more comfortable.