Need regular grooming services?
Your dog’s paws are his wheels to the world. They see more of the outside than your dog’s eyes. And they often pick up everything too. From mud to sticks to bacteria. If your pup has long fur, it can grow over the paws and become a stiff or sticky mess. The spaces between his paw pads and toes need some attention as well. Don’t forget, fur grows there and debris can settle in those fuzzy spaces potentially causing injury to his paw pads. While you’re grooming your dog’s paws, don’t forget to tidy the top, round the edges, and trim those pretty nails. You can even consider a pedicure with bright colors too.
Your dog may not like his paws to be touched. Some have paw pads that are sensitive or even ticklish to the touch. Be cautious of the paw pads and the soft skin in between. Trimming this area might not make your dog giggle, but he could flinch and cause an injury.
A good pedicure might cheer your dog up if you have tickled his toes while grooming his paws. You will definitely get a round of appaws from your pup if you do a great job keeping his feet trimmed and tidy. Your dog's paws are the windows to his world. Be sure to make them paw-tastic.