How to Shave a Dog that Bites

15 - 30 Minutes
3 Months


Does your otherwise loveable pooch try to bite you every time you try to groom and shave him? Do you tend to reach for the muzzle to overcome this or have you simply given up and started taking him to a professional groomer and to heck with the cost? 

While you might not realize it, this type of behavior relatively common in many breeds. But, this doesn't make it right, it just makes it one more thing you need to train your pup not to do. You should be aware that there is usually an underlying reason as to why dogs try to bite at grooming time. 

Dog's Perspective

Dogs have a much better memory than most people realize, so if at any time they have been traumatized during grooming it can make them very anxious. It might have been nothing more than someone being too rough during brushing, ripping out hair and causing pain. Or it could be that your pup was once nicked by the clippers. No matter the cause, the result is that he is now scared of being groomed and biting is the way he reacts to it. 

The Keep His Mind Off the Task Method

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Slicker Brush
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Choose the right room
Find a quiet room in your home, preferably one with an easy to clean floor. Be sure to choose one that has a window your pup can see out of and a radio or television. Believe me, your pal likes to listen to music and watch TV almost as much as you do.
Off for a quick walk
Before settling down to business, take your dog out for a nice long walk. Let him do his business and burn off a lot of energy.
Keep an eye out
Your dog is going to telegraph the fact he is getting ready to bite. It shows up in his body posture and many dogs will issue a very low growl before they strike. If he stands quietly while you are working, give him treats every few minutes.
If his attention starts to wander
If you notice he seems to be focusing on what you are doing a bit too intensely, try to refocus his attention. Turn on some music, the television, or if nothing else works, you can always strike up a nice conversation with him. Dogs often relax if they hear their owner talking to them in a soothing voice.
Make it fun
The best thing you can do to stop your pup from biting during shaving is to do your best to make it fun. Start out with short grooming sessions before you move on to shaving so that he is used to being touched. Give him breaks frequently and before you know it, you will be able to take care of the entire job in one session.
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The Get Used to It Method

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Slicker Brush
Introduce the tools
Chances are good the reason your dog bites while being groomed is that he is scared of the tools of the trade. Start out by letting him sniff at and look at them. Give him plenty of time to get used to them.
Start slow
Start by giving your dog a treat and introducing him to each tool. Turn on the clippers and let him hear them running and pick each tool up so he can see them in your hands. Any time a tool seems to spook him, back off a bit and then work your way back in until it doesn't spook him.
Start up top
Since your pup is likely to be more aggressive while you are shaving his head, get this area over first. Give him a treat, talk to him, and go very slowly, letting him get used to the feeling of being shaved.
Move on down
Continue talking to your pup, give him another treat and work your way down his body shaving him along the way his hair grows. The more you keep his mind distracted from what you are doing, the easier it will become over time.
Don't expect miracles
Since your dog has already developed a biting habit, don't expect this behavior to change overnight. Be patient and keep working with him until you can shave him without fear of being bitten.
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Caution & Considerations

  • If you are calm, your dog will be calm. If you get excited, so will he, and then he is likely to bite.
  • Use clippers and shears that have sharp blades. They cut faster, making the job go more smoothly. 
  • Be aware that older dogs may have health issues that cause pain and may lead to biting.
  • If you suspect pain or a medical problem is behind your dog's biting, make an appointment with your vet to get things checked out.
  • Make sure you give your dog plenty of time to get used to grooming tools before you used them.
  • A scared dog will almost certainly bite. Watch for signs your dog is growing fearful or working up to a bite. 
  • Keep grooming him on a regular basis, this will also help him become used to the task. 


Getting your dog used to being shaved and not biting is going to take some time, be very patient and stay calm. The idea is to teach him to relax and enjoy the process rather than be scared of it and bite you. Keep working at it, in time you will reach your goal.

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