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Okay, let's face it, no one really looks forward to the task of shaving their pup's behind. Yet doing so is a vital part of what should be your regular grooming routine. If your dog has long hair on her rump it can become matted, which is painful. She could also be bringing feces into your home that gets spread everywhere her butt touches. A rear end that is covered in dirty, matted hair can become dirty, smelly, and infested with fleas. One of the best ways of dealing with this is to learn how to shave your pup's backside.
The last thing your favorite fuzzball wants is for you to be messing with her derriere. This is a very sensitive area of her body containing both her genitals and her anus. From the mere fact that you are at the back of her to the sound of the clippers, everything about shaving her behind is likely to make your pup nervous. Be sure to take your time and be gentle and patient.
One of the most important things to keep in mind is that you need to keep up with shaving your dog's rear end. If you allow the hair to grow too long you could end up with massive mats and tangles that harbor parasites, feces, and who knows what else, all of which are bad for your dog's health. So be sure you stay on top of this very important task.