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First and foremost, you should not shave a double-coated dog unless your vet recommends it. Doing so will rob Howie of the only protection his skin has from the cold and from the heat of the sun. Once you shave him down, it can lead to numerous skin issues such as dry skin, eczema, and sunburn. It can also result in his coat not growing back properly, leaving him with a patchy mess. Keep in mind too that having a double coat helps to keep Howie cool in the summer just as much as it keeps him warm in the winter. Shaving him in the summer will have the opposite effect by making him hotter rather than cooler. However, some veterinarians recommend shaving certain areas of the body or the whole body if there are injuries, infections, or skin conditions that require shaving in order to receive proper treatment.
Howie loves his coat. It keeps him nice and cool all summer long and warm during the cold winter months. He sees no reason for you to shave him down skin level. In fact, doing so is liable to land you in the doghouse for a very long time. Don't do this just to make yourself feel better for 'helping him' to stay cool, as it won't work. Be sure to shave a double coat only if recommended to by a veterinarian.
As you can see, you really shouldn't shave a double-coated dog. However, there are times when it is the only choice. Take your time, work in layers, and stop to take frequent breaks. By the time you are done, your dog will probably not be very happy with you, but give him a few treats and let him know what at "good boy" he has been and he will likely forgive you!