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Your pup is a lot like you were growing up. By the time you reached your teenage years, you were probably struggling with acne. Well, guess what? Your pup is going to have to deal with the same problems. Yes, that's right: dogs get zits too!Â
However, the big difference is that your dog really doesn't care about the fact he has zits that everyone can see. In most cases, dog acne is not really a major medical issue and just like humans, it will even go away by the time he reaches adulthood. Of course, it can always flare back up from time to time.Â
Pimples mean next to nothing to your dog, and unless they become irritated or infected, he probably isn't aware of them. They can appear as either black or whiteheads on his lips, chin, chest, or genitals. Â It is normal for your dog to get acne during his teen years, but it could also be caused by food allergies, poor hygiene, or by different forms of bacteria. If you have any questions, be sure to talk to your vet and have him take a look at your pup's pimples.Â
Your pup is likely to get acne pimples when he hits his teenage years in much the same way humans do. The only difference is, while we can't stand to be seen with zits, your pup doesn't care about them unless they are infected and causing him pain. Regular bathing is the best way to prevent acne, but if it does become serious, be sure to have your veterinarian give him a thorough examination to make sure it's not something more serious.Â