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Your dog's ears are simply amazing; they can hear things we can't even imagine at farther distances than you might think possible. Their hearing is so sensitive, they can pick out your footsteps from anyone else, which is how they know it's you before you even open the door.
Did you know your dog's ears can hear a thunderstorm that is several miles away or hear sounds up to four times farther away than you can? Because of this, it is your job to take good care of those ears, which starts with proper grooming on a regular basis.
Your pup counts on his sense of hearing as much as he does his incredibly acute sense of smell and his sight. If you let his ears fill up with dirt, debris, ear wax, and hair, you are taking away a large part of his hearing, which could put him at risk of being run down by a car or injured by a cyclist. Dirty ears can also lead to infections and other medical issues that could lead to a loss of hearing. Your dog counts on you to take care of him, including his ears.
It is your job as a responsible pet owner to do things such as grooming your dog's ears. The big thing here is to take your time and be careful around your dog's ears. If for any reason you see anything out of the ordinary, your first step should be to stop what you are doing and take your dog straight to the vet.