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Some dogs have the cutest longest eyelashes you've ever seen. If you happen to have one of those sweet little pups, congratulations! If you can keep them long and they don't bother your dog but enhance that sweet little face, you still need to care for them and keep them trimmed. Some breeds, however, have eyelashes that continue to grow but cause problems. These are the dogs who will want their eyelashes trimmed. If not cared for, eyelashes can sometimes turn into the eye, causing scratches and irritation on the cornea. Whether you need to keep your dog's eyelashes short or whether you want to keep them long and flowing down their face, they still may need to be trimmed.
Your dog is probably going to be very cautious about you being close to his eyes, especially with a sharp blade such as scissors. First, get your dog used to the look and the sound of your scissors before you put them directly near your dog's eyes. This will help build his trust with you and the object in your hands. Offer your dog treats throughout trimming and certainly at the end to make him feel better about the process.
His eye lashes are long
The hair around his man parts is long and gets dirty
Ok to trim?
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