How to Wash a Dog in the Sink

15 - 30 Minutes
6 Weeks


Using a sink to wash your dog is perfect for small breeds and puppies. A sink puts your dog at your waist level instead of bending over to reach into a tub. Your kitchen sink may also have a handheld shower faucet to make getting your dog wet and rinsing shampoo a much simpler task than using a cup or bowl for rinsing. Sinks can come with challenges, however, so always be careful when you place your dog in a sink for a bath. Don't ever leave him unattended that high up with the ability to jump out of the sink and down to the floor.

Dog's Perspective

When it comes to bathing in general your dog may be excited, or you may not be excited. He may also be a bit nervous to be up so high, especially if this is something he's not used to doing. Ease his mind by giving him treats and prepare before bath time starts so you can address any challenges which may arise. Utilize the ease of the sink and make that time quick and easy for your pup.

The Bathroom Sink Method

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Prep area
Place a hand towel or a bath towel in the bottom of your kitchen sink to keep your puppy or small dog from slipping and sliding around while you bathe him. Be sure to have everything you need on hand nearby when you give your dog a bath in your bathroom sink. This will include cups for rinsing shampoo and a towel for drying.
Warm water
Fill the sink up with warm water. Be sure this water is not too hot and not too cold always test it before letting your dog in the bath.
Set dog in
Set your dog in the sink of warm water. Use a cup to slowly pour the warm water over his skin and fur, getting him wet from head to tail.
Apply a liberal amount of shampoo to your dog's fur and skin, scrubbing using circular motions to get the suds in to all the places which hide dirt and odors
Use your cup and warm running water to clean water rinse the soap from your dog's skin and fur. Be sure to rinse out all the shampoo from your dog's body.
Before you towel dry your little guy, he will likely want to shake the excess water off of his body. Before he does this, hold a towel up over the sink and over his body to catch the flying water. Letting him do this after-bath shake to remove more water than you can get with a towel alone. Once he's done shaking, use your towel to pull him out of the sink and wrap him tightly to dry him off.
Brush and treat
End bath time with a good brushing for your little guy and a nice tasty treat.

The Kitchen Sink Method

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Clean area
Prepare your kitchen and your kitchen sink for a puppy bath in the sink by emptying the sink of all the dishes, racks, and anything your dog can get his paws or teeth on in the surrounding area. If you have enough counter space, lay out a large towel on the counter for a place for your dog to stand when bath time is over while you dry him.
Fill sink
Fill your kitchen sink with some warm water. Be sure to have your dog shampoo within arm's reach nearby. It's handy if your kitchen has a handheld faucet, but if not, be prepared with a cup or bowl to wet your puppy down and for clean water rinsing.
Add dog
Place your dog in the warm bath water in the kitchen sink. Use your handheld faucet or a cup to wet down your dog's fur from head to tail. Be cautious not to get water in your dog's eyes or ears.
Use the dog shampoo you have nearby and scrub your dog in circular motions, massaging the shampoo into your dog's fur and skin. Be sure to get his underside and his potty areas as well as the bottom of his feet.
Use a clean wet cloth to wipe down your dog's face. You don't need to use shampoo on his face unless absolutely necessary. This might be the case for bearded dogs who often get food stuck in their long beards.
Clean rinse
Empty the sink of any dirty bath water and use the handheld faucet or cup with warm running water to rinse the shampoo out of your dog's fur. Be sure not to leave any excess shampoo in his fur as it may cause drying and itching.
When the sink is empty of water and all of the soap is off of your dog's fur and skin, lift him out of the sink and place him on the towel you placed on your counter. Bundle him up and dry him off with a gentle rubbing motion. If your dog would like to shake to remove excess water, wrap him loosely in the towel and let him shake inside the towel before drying him off.

Caution & Considerations

  • Always prepare in advance for giving your dog a bath in the sink. This will mean having shampoos and towels within arm's reach of the sink so you do not have to leave your dog unattended to go get supplies you need for the bath.
  • An extra towel placed on the bottom of the sink will help keep your pup from slipping and sliding.
  • Remember if you are using the faucets to help rinse your pup to drain the water at the same time so you do not overfill the sink.
  • Keep your little dog safe by not filling the sink too deep before setting him in the sink.
  • In preparation for a sink bath, fill the sink part way with warm water before bringing the dog in for bathing. Make sure this water is warm, not hot and not too cold, as little dogs chill easily.
  • If your dog is nervous or anxious, bring treats to the area before you begin your bath so you can offer him treats when he gets in as you get him wet, after you've scrubbed him down with shampoo, and upon rinsing.
  • Even though your dog is small enough to fit into a sink, expect him to shake a lot of excess water out of his fur once you have finished rinsing him.
  • To protect the surrounding area from getting splashed when your dog shakes, hold a towel over him or up in the air in front of you to catch that flying water.


Small dogs and puppies make bathing easier on your knees and back by fitting perfectly into a sink. Wash your little guy in your bathroom or your kitchen. But be sure to keep him safe by not leaving him unattended and ensuring you are well prepared before starting your little pup's sink bath.

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