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Whenever the weather is inclement, the first thing your dog is likely to do is jump in the nearest mud puddle so he can play around. While this might be a lot of fun for your pup, it leaves you with the unpleasant task of wiping or washing his paws. The last thing anyone wants to do is give their dog a bath every day. Not only is this a hassle, but giving your dog a bath every day is not good for the health of his coat or skin. It can lead to dry skin, cracks, sores, and unnecessary pain. The good news is that washing his feet is a relatively simple task that should only take a few minutes.
Your dog doesn't like dirty feet either, that is why he spends so much time licking and chewing on them. But, he will only do this after he has come in the house. In the meantime, your pup is tracking dirt all over your home. With a little practice, your pup will get used to having his paws washed when they get dirty and need a little help.
It only takes a few minutes to wash your dog's paws when you come back in from going potty or for a walk when the weather is bad. But, doing so is not only good for keeping your home clean, it is good for his health as he won't be ingesting things he shouldn't. Take your time, make it fun, and your pup will eventually look forward to having his paws cleaned.