Need regular grooming services?
Giving Digger regular baths is a very important part of his overall health care. There is far more to giving him a bath than just washing out the dirt. You also wash out dead hair, dead skin, burrs, bugs, parasites, and more from his coat. Unbathed skin can become itchy due to rashes and in time can lead to infected areas of skin that must be treated by a vet. But what do you do when Digger absolutely hates the water? You need to make sure you have two things before you get started. The first is plenty of patience. The second is a plan of action!
Many dogs are afraid of the water, so Digger's behavior is nothing unusual, but it will make giving him a bath challenging. On top of this, he really doesn't care if he ever gets a bath. In his mind, the simple bathing he does with his tongue should be all he ever needs. Unfortunately, he needs more than this to keep his skin and coat clean and healthy.
The basics of bathing a dog like Digger are the same as any other dog. The big difference is that you need to work on getting him to the point where he no longer hates water before it becomes easier to give him a bath. Take your time, work at Digger's pace, and it won't be long before he learns to relax and enjoy bath time.
Hi there, I adopted an abused dog, Kelpie, a few years ago and I haven't been able to successfully give her a bath. Mostly have used pet wipes. One problem is I don't have a bathtub in my home, just a corner shower. I've taken her into do it yourself dog wash place but couldn't even get her into the tub. I'm afraid to take her into a professional groomers. Do you have any suggestions.
Lady FREAKS out when we try and bathe her. She has nearly choked herself getting out of her harness to escape it. How do we safely bathe her without freaking her out or taking her to the groomer? She likes to get in the pool, but won’t stand in a baby pool or a bathtub to get a bath!!
Hello, if Lady loves the pool, I would let that be part of the cleaning process. You can use dry pet shampoo that can be brushed out, pet wipes, and daily brushing to clean her. The water in the pool can do the rest of the job. I don't think it's worth it to stress her out too much. Dry shampoo (ask your vet or a reputable pet supply store in your area for recommendations) can do an amazing job and will make things much more pleasant for everyone. Good luck and all the best to Lady!