For the canine member of the family, the dog park is what it's all about. It's where they get to race around, roll in the grass, chase balls or frisbees, play raucous quasi-rough games with the other doggos, and simply have a riotous time. Small dogs under 25 pounds have their own section so they don't get flattened by a cavorting Labrador Retriever or Great Dane. Both sections offer the same amenities, including benches, picnic areas, covered and uncovered doggy water fountains, waste bag dispensers and trash cans. The surface is mostly grass, with a few areas of dirt and wood chips. What pooch wants to go home from the dog park without a little grime, even if it's only grass stains?
The slide gates into each section are not as secure as double-closure gates found in most dog parks, so be sure to hang onto Fido's leash until you're both inside. Also, small children are allowed inside, but must be closely supervised for their own safety, as well as for the pupsters.' A treat for everyone is the many mature shade trees in and around the pups' playground, keeping everyone comfortable and providing a pawrrific place for the pooch to rest. Furtastic! And if your human kiddos come to the park, too, they'll have loads of fun at the playground, volleyball courts or at the ball fields.
If you live in North Palm Beach or are paying a visit with your fur-baby, the Anchorage Dog Park is a must-do activity!