There's no running water at this Lions Valley Place Dog Park. Be sure to bring your water so you and your canine can stay hydrated. Along with the same vein, note this park does not have any public restrooms. Also, finding a spot in the shade here on a hot day can be a challenge. There are no trees inside the fenced dog park and the few that line the Lions Valley Place Dog Park does not have large enough canopies to produce much shade, none when the sun is highest in the sky.
There are also no human-made structures or other pavilions to create shade for the patrons of this dog park. This park is grass and stays in relatively good shape. It is regularly cut and stays fairly clean. Poop bags and garbage cans are available at the entrance to this dog park. Outside of the Lions Valley Place Dog Park, there are several sports fields and a baseball complex.
There's also a playground for children and a walking trail. Your canine is allowed through the rest of the park provided they remain on a leash and off the facilities located at this park. The dog park is fairly small, and it might be a challenge for a highly energetic canine to stretch their legs and wear themselves out at this location, but a walk along the trail on-leash may aide that endeavor.