Top Dog Names of All Time

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If you are curious about knowing the top dog names of all time, you are not the only one. There are several compilations of top dog names out there depending on the database you look at. That said, certain names always standout year-after-year as the most popular dog name. These are the top dog names of all time. Whether the names fur-st originated from TV shows, or movies or maybe from old-school or historical ways for naming dogs, these names have gone unfur-gotten and have stood the test of time for decades.

If you are looking for inspiration to name your new pupper, just remember that there are a few things you must keep in mind if you want to choose a great name that will not only suit your dog, but one that your dog will respond to favorably. Primarily, you want to select a name that your doggy will clearly understand that you are calling them. Essentially, the pawfect name is one that doesn’t sound like a command or another family member’s name. With that said, here are the top dog names of all time.


Short for Maxwell or Maximillian, Max is one of the most popular names of all time and a strong name for a dog. The name is short, easy to pronounce, and unfurgettably catchy. 


A great dog name for independent or shy dogs, Shadow, is is fur-miliar and also quite unforgettable. 


Bandit, meaning 'outlaw' or 'robber', is a pawfect name for any strong and independent pooch. Suitable for a male or female, this versatile name is popular and is sure to catch anyone's attention!

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Etymologically, the name means ‘one who descended from noble birth.’ If you have a pure breed dog that is a leader of the pack, there is probably no other name in all of time that is more woofderfully fitting. 


Lassie comes from the word ‘lass’ which means a young girl who is a sweetheart. Most young female pups fit this description, and your's just might too.


Another popular name of all time, Patches is a name that is a pawfect choice for a pup that has patches of color on their head or all over their body. 


Everyone wants to be lucky! It is no wonder that this is one of the most famous names of all time since having a pupper can undoubtedly make you feel quite fortunate.


There are tons of brown dog breeds that have existed from way back, including Bloodhounds, Terriers, Spaniels, and Retrievers. Brownie is a pawtastic visual moniker for a brown pupper.


There are so many red colored barkers that fit this lovely moniker. This name pairs well with Irish Setters and Golden Retrievers.


Another pawsome visual moniker for a pupper that has spots of color all over their fur, Spot is another ‘all-time’ popular unisex dog name that has been used throughout the ages.