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- Can Dogs Hear a Baby in the Womb?
We know that dogs have an exceptional sense of hearing, but do you think that dogs can hear babies as they grow and develop in the womb? Actually, many pregnant women report that their dogs are the first to know that they are pregnant, and some attribute that to what their dog hears.
While it may be that your dog can actually smell the hormonal changes first, they can also hear what is happening inside the body. Dogs can hear in the ultrasound range, which means that they can hear certain things happening in a pregnant woman’s body, possibly even the baby’s heartbeat.
The acute sense of hearing that your dog has could make it possible for them to hear your baby’s heartbeat in the womb. Even if your dog can’t hear your baby in the womb, that doesn’t mean that they don’t know that something is going on.
Dogs are very intuitive, and they can see mood, behavioral, and body chemistry changes. Your dog also has an incredible sense of smell, which allows them to smell all kinds of things that humans can’t, including changes in hormones, which can clue them into the changes going on within a pregnant woman’s body.
In fact, some women even report that their dog seemed to know that they were pregnant before they found out. Your pooch’s keen sense of smell is probably what clues them in to the fact that you are pregnant. By the time that your baby is moving around inside of you, your dog is probably hearing the movement and heartbeat of your baby.
If you notice that your dog looks confused toward your belly, that is a good sign that your pup can hear something going on in there. You will probably see their ears perk up and their heads tilt to the side.
Throughout history, we have noticed that dogs have exceptional hearing abilities. Researchers hypothesize that the ancestors of dogs probably had high-frequency hearing abilities so they could hunt their prey. Wolves needed to be able to detect the high-pitched squealing sounds that rodents tend to make. This hearing ability made it possible for wolves to hear these small creatures from far enough away to find a meal.
Dogs have far better hearing than humans. In fact, they hear up to four times a well as humans. Part of the reasons that dogs can hear so well is that they have more mobility in their ears. While humans only have six muscles in each ear, dogs have 18! These muscles allow your dog to move their ears in all kinds of directions, which maximizes their ability to hear. Plus, the shape of the ear is curved, so that sound better reaches the eardrum.
Like previously mentioned, dogs have far superior hearing over humans. While people can hear sounds between 20 hertz and 20,000 hertz, dogs can hear sounds in frequencies ranging from 40 hertz to 60,000 hertz. This means that dogs may not be able to hear sounds that are as deep as those which humans can hear, but they can hear sounds that are much higher than human ears can detect. Dog whistles, for example, are generally above the human range of hearing, but still within the range that dogs can hear.
Doctors believe that babies might start to cry in the womb around the 28th week of pregnancy. Researchers think that this crying may be caused by loud noises outside of the human body and that dogs might be able to hear the sounds of this crying. Since the baby can hear noises outside the body, it really isn’t that much of a stretch to say that dogs can hear what is happening inside the womb.
It is crazy to think that a dog can hear something happening inside the human body that even the mother can’t hear!
Dogs can react to pregnancy in different ways. Some will be extremely overwhelmed by all the sensory overload that pregnancy can lead to. It is impossible to predict how your dog will react to your pregnancy, but regardless of how your dog reacts, you need to be prepared to put in a little extra effort to ensure that your house stays a safe place for both your dog and your baby.
First, if you notice any unwanted behavior in your dog during your pregnancy, you should contact a trainer. Basic obedience training can help your dog remember commands that will come in extremely handy after the baby is born. You also need to reinforce the positions in the household. Your dog needs to understand that you are in charge.
Second, you need to understand that all these changes can cause a lot of stress and anxiety for your dog. Even the most docile dog may start to act out. You need to give your dog a little time for itself regardless of how hectic life seems with a new baby.
You should never leave your dog alone with the new baby. Even the friendliest dogs can unintentionally injure a baby. Allowing your dog to jump up, climb, or lie on a baby can cause serious injuries. You will need to make sure that your dog doesn’t have unlimited access to the baby and that you can control the dog when it is around the baby.
It is also crucial that you introduce your dog to your baby slowly. Allow your dog to get used to the new smells, sounds, and sights that go along with the baby. Don’t keep them together for too long at first. A few minutes each day can allow your dog to get used to all these new things without putting your baby in any danger.
Written by a Pomsky lover Chelsea Mies
Veterinary reviewed by:
Published: 05/05/2018, edited: 04/06/2020
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