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- Can Dogs Hear Low Frequencies?

Humans and dogs are alike in many ways, considering that we all use the same senses. We both taste, touch, smell, listen and see. What sets us apart is how good each of our senses is. When we look deeper into how well dogs can hear and how well humans can hear, we are able to find numerous differences.
One major difference may just be the fact that one species may hear different frequencies better than the other. It is curious when you think about whether or not dogs are able to hear lower frequencies or if they bottom out at much higher frequenices.

Dogs have a much larger range when it comes to just how well they can hear. Although they have a bigger range, it doesn't change the fact that their range starts higher than ours and because of that, they actually cannot hear as low of frequencies as we can.
When you consider this, there are not many signs that will show they cannot hear some sounds, but you can always look for the signs that will show you when they can hear something. When a dog is able to hear a noise, they will usually react by raising their ears. They will become very alert and will raise their ears to try to hear where the noise is coming from. They will look around the area to find where the source is coming from. They may tilt their heads if they notice the sound coming from someone.
They do this because it is easier for them to read our expressions and they will be able to distinguish what the sound is that they are hearing. If they hear a noise they are accustomed to, they may even start wagging their tails.
Body Language
<p>If you're wondering if your dog is hearing something, watch for:</p>
- Alert
- Head Tilting
- Wag Tail
- Raise Ears
Other Signs
Other signs your dog hears something include:
- Taking Off In The Direction Of The Noise
- Acting Distracted

Most people know about the dog whistle. It's a whistle that, when blown, gives off an extremely high-frequency noise. People are unable to hear the actual noise and the only way they know something is even happening is because the whistle makes a slight hissing noise.
However, dogs are able to hear this whistle since their ears are much more sensitive to sound. They are able to hear much higher frequencies, but they do have one downfall; they are unable to hear lower frequencies.
Humans are able to hear sounds in the range of 64-23,000 Hz. Dogs are able to detect sounds from 67-45,000 Hz. Over the years, numerous studies have been done to test just how well dogs can hear up against other animals. They have an incredible range of hearing power and although they may not be able to hear super-low frequencies, there is not much they are missing out on.
Humans have a hard time hearing lower frequencies as well and there is not that big of a difference between humans and pups when it comes to the lower frequencies. Lower frequency sounds often give off a vibration that is how we are able to indicate that it is even there, but other than that, we cannot usually hear it.

Dogs were domesticated years ago by mankind and since then, have become our best furry friends. Humans have studied many different topics pertaining to dogs. One major topic is just how well dogs can hear.
There have been studies done between different breeds of dogs as well. Some studies say that Bloodhounds have been trained to hone in on their hearing skills more because they are used for tracking things. Because of this, they use their hearing and smelling much more than other dog breeds. That being said, dogs as a whole have always been far superior when it comes to their hearing skills.

There is honestly no good way to train your dog to hear lower frequencies. You cannot train them to hear something that they are physically incapable of hearing. Over time, studies have been done to be able to tell what frequencies different species can hear. After finding out that dogs have a much larger range of hearing than humans, we continued to test the different ways that dogs react to various sounds.
We came to the realization that dogs are much more reactive to higher pitched noises. With this being said, we can now take a look at how to train our pups by using something that they can hear; the dog whistle.
When you are training your dog, there are plenty of methods to choose from when figuring out how to best get the point across. Some people just use treats, which usually works out just fine, but then you have them always expecting that same treat, time and time again.
The dog whistle is a pup-ular method and usually works very well as long as it is not abused. When first starting out, you can usually just blow the whistle and your dog will come straight to you. A good way to start training them is if they are outdoors and you want them to come back inside, give the whistle a little "toot".
Maybe your dog never listens, so if they come over to you after you blow the whistle, give them some positive reinforcement and a treat until they realize what the whistle means on their own. After that, you can slowly stop giving them the treats, but instead, give them praise and lots of petting.
When training your pup, be mindful of the fact that dog whistles should be used with care. They should never be overused when it comes to your pup, especially because their ears are so sensitive. Some dogs may not react positively to the whistle and you will need to recognize when it may be time to try something different.
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Get Vet ChatSafety Tips Regarding Dogs' Hearing
- If a dog becomes irritated when they have heard a strange noise, try to remove either what is causing the noise, or move your dog elsewhere.
- If you notice your dog reacting poorly to a dog whistle, immediately cease using that method of training.
Written by a Keeshond lover Molly Martin
Veterinary reviewed by:
Published: 04/18/2018, edited: 04/06/2020
More articles by Molly Martin