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- Can Dogs Sense Vibes?

You could say dogs are super-sleuths when it comes to picking up good and bad vibes. They are great judges of people and can easily spot a person with ill-intentions. They can also tell when an earthquake or storm is on its way. Our woofers are tuned into this vast universe and gifted with powerful senses. Their ability to hear and smell better than us gives them an insight into the unknown.
Dogs are cool customers who know more than they’re letting on. They quietly study our emotions and know if we’re happy or sad. If there's a tornado in the distance, they'll sense it before it arrives. How do our cosmic doggies pick up on vibes? It's a mystery waiting to be solved.

Dogs are your best bud when it comes to checking out that new girl you like at the gym. Bring her home and let her meet your pooch, then watch how they react. If they like her, it’ll be tail wagging and play-bowing with toys. If they think she’s not quite right for you, they might sniff her then bark and growl.
Dogs have a way of knowing if people are telling the truth. They look for the answers in body movements and the expressions on a person’s face. Sometimes, we are so caught up in a conversation that we miss what our woofers have sensed.
If your Mastiff is dancing around the back door, howling, and whining, you might want to check the radio for a storm warning. It might be blue skies outside but the dog is saying different - jumping up at the door wanting to get out.
Imagine them feeling the barometric pressure fall and sparks going off within clouds as lightning is preparing to flash. To add to their distress, a dog can feel tiny shocks from the static electricity during a thunderstorm, causing them to shake and whine in fear.
Take a pooch into a haunted house and you could get the shivers watching them pace around. You might hear them snarl as they sniff in a part of a room. if they start play bow-bowing it could be an entity or something else. According to Science Alert, researchers in Germany believe dogs can possibly see magnetic fields. This could explain how they pick up on vibes in places where people may have passed away.
Other Signs
<p>Signs a dog can tune into all kinds of vibes are:</p>
- Hearing Thunder Far Way
- Sensing Ghosts
- Getting Electric Shocks From Lightning
- Senssing A Storm Coming
- Seeing Magnetic Fields
- Sensing People'S Vibes

Dogs didn’t magically appear on our planet - they were born of wolves. The time frame ranges from 15,000 – 40,000 years when a grand event took place. Wolves, that had walked the earth for millions of years, witnessed a new breed of hunter called man. This species walked on two legs and used makeshift weapons instead of its teeth and wild animal instincts.
We might need a time machine to get to the actual truth, but way back when the world was a virtual wilderness, an agreement was made between wolves and humans that culminated in many breeds of dogs.
Humans have always been thinkers, so they knew the wolf made the ultimate security guard plus it was a worthy hunting partner. Einstein might not have been around at this time, but man was already using their powers of reason to make life better
They realized that breeding out the aggression of wolves would make this new species more manageable and it might be the way to set up communities with animals on tap for food. Experts believe having wolves helped mankind to become farmers. You can imagine all the big cats, mammoths, and other critters wanting to get at their gathered livestock, so dogs became guardians to keep them safe
Wolves are instinctive and according to White Wolves Pack, they are possibly telepathic. Dog owners often talk about that special connection where it feels like a dog can read their mind. They pick up vibes quicker than us and can sense our moods. Studies show they are masters of observing body language and let’s not forget that spectacular sense of smell.
Dogs are fully equipped with the senses of the wolf developed through evolution to make them top-gun hunters. They say a wolf can smell the age and wellness of their prey in the distance and this attribute comes in handy when sniffer dogs are faced with criminals trying to conceal drugs in cars, containers, and walls.
Some believe dogs have a sixth sense and, perhaps, they do. University Today tells us modern humans have been on earth for around 200,000 years while wolves have dominated the open plains for over a million years. They’ve had more time to sharpen their skills, so it’s feasible we have a lot more to learn about our canines and their wolf ancestor.

In 2014 the U.S military began a project called “Spidey Sense” to determine whether humans had a sixth sense. The experiment came from incidents of soldiers harnessing their intuition and preventing the enemy from doing their worst. Marines are still being taught to heighten their ESP talents. According to Time Magazine, a soldier serving in the Vietnam war used his sixth sense to navigate ambushes and booby traps. Since 1972, the CIA has been on board and are aware some marines have a stronger sixth sense than others.
Humans are community orientated and live within a certain set of beliefs. Mention to a neighbor you sensed something that happened before it did and they might tell you a story of their own. We take a cautious approach to the secrets of the unknown, so it’s interesting to note the United States military take the concept very seriously.
Picking up on vibes of people might be a natural talent that dogs have. In the 21st century, we still look for the visible evidence while our woofers have X-Factor senses. With 200-300 million scent receptors and a hearing system that can pick up the sounds we can't, it's no wonder dogs are vibe kings who have the heads up on whats coming next. We can actually hear lower frequencies better than dogs, which does not explain how they can hear the plates shifting beneath the ground before an earthquake. Is that a gut feeling - in their paws?
The question often arises "can dogs decipher a bad person?" As dog owners, we’ve possibly all had situations where our pooch took an instant dislike to someone and reacted with the hair standing right up on the back of their neck. That’s similar to how we feel when a strange person tries to engage in chat. We pick up the vibes and so does our dog. On the other hand, when a dog-loving friend stops by for a coffee, our woofers go crazy greeting them.
Time Magazine noted a Yale study that saw dogs beat the paws off kids when a box containing a treat required them to turn a handle. Researchers made the handle ineffective and dogs realized they only had to open the box while the kids kept trying to use the handle. Was it the vibes from the researchers that tipped them off or was it their ability to reason a puzzle?

There's no need to train a dog to sense vibes. It’s something already ingrained in their being. Their wolf grandparents had the gift and kindly passed it down to the Mastiff, Collie, and Doberman. Our dogs have the royalists of vibes and use their instincts to get through life.
Humans rely more on technology and social interplay to determine their personal choices. Meanwhile, our pooches are detecting if their companions blood sugar levels are dangerously low or if they are about to have a seizure.
Dogs are trained to be service dogs and taught to perform tasks like turning lights on and off, getting medication and ringing 911 if necessary. They can’t be trained to detect a seizure, but most pooches that go through training are able to do so. We call this a mystery and wonder how they do it.
Why do our woofers save the lives of complete strangers? According to The Pooch Times, a Golden Retriever named Mo barked up a storm awakening his owner after seeing an elderly man fall into a Marina. The man was saved, thanks to the quick action of a dog.
When it comes to training your dog to sit, stay, and come, your dog will pick up the positive vibes and put their best paw forward. If you create a fun, happy place where your pooch gets to learn new things, they’ll be waking you up in the morning to go to doggy school.
Some woofers are remarkable and learn their commands very quickly while others take a bit of coaxing. "Come" is possibly one of the harder requests to teach a pup who has other things on their mind. Pedigree has a few suggestions to help.
Choose an indoor space and using the word “COME” to call your dog. This might sound like you’re talking in alien to a distracted pup, but try again and add their name to the request. If they ignore you and run away, don’t try to catch them. This will evolve into a chasing game that your dog will instigate because it’s so much fun.
An effective way to get their attention is to walk away, a move that is sure to get a response. Once your pup is in tune with the upbeat training vibes and the promise of treats, they’ll come to you. If you are training a junior woofer, keep them on a leash when you are away from home until they respond every time to this command. It’s for their own safety.
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Get Vet ChatWritten by a Japanese Chin lover Linda Cole
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Published: 06/13/2018, edited: 04/06/2020
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