

5 min read


Can Husky Dogs Live In Hot Weather?



5 min read


Can Husky Dogs Live In Hot Weather?

When most people think of a Siberian Husky, they think of them in cold climates, usually attached to a dog-sled, racing through a blizzard. With their extremely thick fur and hardworking attitudes, they're perfect for tundra-like conditions and Ididorad races. But what about those of us who don't live in the Great White North? Can we have these beautiful dogs too?

Huskies are gorgeous puppers, so there are many people that want them that don't happen to live in places covered in 234 feet of snow at all times. But can these cold-loving dogs be happy in tropical weather? 

The answer is yes! Huskies are known for their ability to adapt to any climate, including those ranging from below 75 degrees Fahrenheit to climates such as South Florida and other tropical places. However, just because your dog can adapt to a hotter temperature doesn't mean that you have nothing to worry about. 

Because Huskies are built for cooler weather, their owners have to look out for signs of dehydration, overheating, and overexertion.  But, so long as you keep an eye on your fluffy guy to make sure they don't overheat when it gets too hot, you don't need snow to have a husky!

Signs to Look Out For In Your Husky

As previously stated, while huskies can live in warmer climates and live a happy, healthy, and full life, owners still need to make sure that they do not overheat, something that would not be necessary in colder weather. For each of the things you need to look out for - dehydration, overheating/overexertion - there are specific signs and symptoms to watch for in your husky. 

Dehydration: According to the American Kennel Club, the seven most common signs of dehydration in dogs are loss of appetite, reduced energy levels, lethargy, panting, sunken or dry eyes, a dry nose and/or gums, and a loss of skin elasticity. 

Many of these symptoms also occur in dogs that are sick with something else, so the best way to test your dog for dehydration is the "pinching test". This involves gently pinching your pup's skin between your fingers. In dehydrated dogs, the skin will take longer to fall back or return to normal, while in healthy dogs, this occurs rather quickly. Make sure to do it gently, though! Humans aren't too fond of getting pinched, and neither is your pooch.

Another option is feeling your pup's nose or taking a look at their gums. A healthy husky happens to have a moist mouth (say that five times fast!), while a dehydrated one has gums that can be dry and tacky. Outside of just visual cues, you can also feel your pup's gums - if they're dehydrated, the place you pressed on will remain white for a longer period of time than if they aren't dehydrated. 

Overheating/Overexertion: The signs of overheating in your husky are similar to that of dehydration, but with a few more symptoms. These can include heavy panting/rapid breathing, a higher than normal body temperature, an extremely thirsty pup, weakness or even collapsing, glazed eyes, an increased heartbeat and consequentially, an increased pulse, vomiting, bloody feces, seizures, bright tongue and/or gums, excessive drooling, stumbling, and unconsciousness. Basically, your dog is going to look and act extremely hot. This is especially prevalent in Huskies, since their fur and skin was built to retain heat. Often, overheating occurs much more quickly in these types of breeds than those with finer and/or less fur.

The symptoms of both of these conditions often overlap - if your dog is dehydrated, it is likely do to overheating/overexertion, and if your dog has overheated/overexerted itself, it is often also dehydrated. Essentially, you just need to make sure your dog is acting normal. If they are panting excessively, seem overly hot, or are just acting lethargic and weak, it's a good idea to get them into the shade or to a source of cool water as soon as possible, followed by a visit to the vet if necessary. 

Body Language

Here are some signs that your Husky is overheated or dehydrated:

  • Whining
  • Shaking
  • Cowering
  • Panting
  • Ears Drop
  • Weakness

Other Signs

Some further signs that indicate dehydration and overheating are:

  • Bright Pink, Sticky Gums
  • Dry Nose
  • High Temperature
  • Lethargy/Unresponsiveness
  • Seizures
  • Inability To Focus
  • Excessive Thirst
  • Collapse
  • Inelastic Skin
  • Loss Of Appetite
The Science Behind Huskies in Hotter Climates

Huskies are built to live in temperatures that drop as low as 75 degrees below zero. As a result, their coats are essentially winter coats, which allow them to survive in such low temperatures. They can pack bulk on rather quickly, so heat comes from their coat, as well as any body fat that they may have. 

Additionally, they don't just have one coat, but two - their is an underlayer of very short hair that Huskies shed in the Spring, which prevents them from overheating when the temperatures get warmer. During colder times, this underlayer acts as insulation to keep the pup's core body temperature warm and consistent. On top of the underlayer is an outer layer known as the "guard hair coat", which prevents snow and ice from sticking to huskies. 

Even their ears and tails are built for the cold. In regards to the ears, they basically have built-in ear muffs. Their ears are covered with hair all the way into the interior, "creating a natural muff where the dog's ear ends." Their tails are also covered in fur, and long enough so that they can protect their faces with them when they lie down to go to sleep in the cold. 

Basically, huskies are characteristically suited to living in the cold. Despite the Northern Reaches being their more natural habitat, however, any loving dog owner can adopt a Husky in any climate, so long as they take care to make sure they stay healthy!

Training a Husky to Acclimatise to Heat

Okay, it's true, you can't really "train" a Husky to get used to a warm climate. However, there are some things you definitely can do that will help your Northern pooch better cope with the heat.

First and foremost, ALWAYS make sure your Husky (or any dog, really) has access to lots of fresh water all through the day. If there is always water around, your dog is much less likely to become dehydrated. This is even more important if your dog is outside for a lengthened period of time!

And about that, on the super-hot days, it may just be better to keep your Husky indoors with the AC blasting. If you must be outdoors, limit the amount of activity that your pooch does, and make sure they have a comfy spot in the shade to cool down in.

On the hottest of summer days, your best bet may be to change your walk times to the early morning and evening. The temperature is generally cooler then, and the sun won't be beating down on your pupper. His paw pads are also less likely to be burned by piping-hot pavement at these times, as well. 

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Written by Katherine McCormick

Veterinary reviewed by:

Published: 02/14/2018, edited: 04/06/2020

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