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Bronchoscopy in Dogs
What is Bronchoscopy?
Bronchoscopy is a diagnostic procedure involving the use of a flexible endoscope to examine the inside of the trachea and lower airways of a canine. General anesthesia is required to perform this procedure, but it is a minimally invasive way to investigate tracheal or lung disease. No external incisions are required and some dogs can return home the day of the procedure. Bronchoscopy is performed by a licensed and trained veterinarian with appropriate equipment.
Bronchoscopy Procedure in Dogs
Prior to conducting the procedure, the veterinarian will perform a physical examination and a routine health check to ensure the dog is in adequate state to undergo the procedure. Common test completed include blood analysis, blood chemistry profile, complete blood cell count and a urinalysis. Radiographs of the dog’s chest will likely be taken to detect the location of the problem.
The canine will be given a pre-anesthetic injection prior to conducting the surgery. Once the dog is asleep, an endotracheal tube will be run down the trachea (windpipe) to provide the canine with general anesthesia. Small dogs, less than 15 pounds, will have intravenous anesthetic drugs administered to maintain a state of anesthesia. The flexible endoscope will be run from the canine’s mouth down into the airways where the veterinarian will evaluate the portions of the lungs. No external incisions are required. The internist will locate the area to perform what is called a bronchoalveolar lavage or wash. A small amount of fluid will be administered and the aspirated for cell analysis, or a fluid culture. This portion of the procedure involves inserting a sterile, flexible tube down the patient’s mouth and upper airways. A second tube is passed through the primary tube and down into the lung’s airways, where a small portion of saline solution will be admitted. The saline solution will mix with microscopic material found in the trachea and so, when the fluid is aspirated with a syringe, any infectious material will be brought up with the administered fluids. Once the fluids are collected, the dog will be removed from gas anesthetic and oxygen supplement therapy for recovery.
Efficacy of Bronchoscopy in Dogs
Bronchoscopy in dogs is an effective way for veterinary experts to investigate tracheal or lung disease. The veterinarian can see any problems from inside the lower airways and culture the cells to detect illnesses that can’t be seen.
Bronchoscopy Recovery in Dogs
Following the surgical procedure the canine may be allowed to return home the same day as the procedure or the following day, depending on the veterinarian’s recommendations. As fluid is injected into the lungs, the dog’s body reacts by coughing to remove the fluids, so coughing is to be expected. Slight irritation is to be expected and will resolve on its own within a few minutes to an hour. The results of the bronchoscopy will be available one to two weeks after the procedure at which time the veterinarian will want to set a follow-up appointment to start a treatment plan.
Cost of Bronchoscopy in Dogs
The cost to have a bronchoscopy diagnostic procedure completed in a canine can cost the pet owner $1,600 to $1,700. This total cost includes the bronchoscopy, fluid analysis, cultures, anesthesia, imaging, blood work, and pre-examination.
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Dog Bronchoscopy Considerations
Bronchoscopy is a procedure that requires dogs to be placed under general anesthesia, which is a concern for some patients. Dogs of old age, who are pregnant, or are critically ill are at higher risk of complications from undergoing anesthesia.
Bronchoscopy Prevention in Dogs
The need for a canine bronchoscopy cannot always be prevented. Conditions such as asthma, tracheal collapse, and cancer can affect dogs for idiopathic (unknown) reasons. Pneumonia can be prevented by practicing proper at-home canine care and follow up with your veterinarian on a routine basis for health checks.
Bronchoscopy Questions and Advice from Veterinary Professionals
2 Years
15 found this helpful
15 found this helpful
My pet has the following symptoms:
Bronchoscopy Needed
I am curious about the type of equipment used for a bronchoscopy.
Is the camera reusable, and if so, is it sterile when used?
What if something breaks on the camera?
Are the results conclusive with the bronchoscopy?
June 27, 2018
15 Recommendations
A bronchoscope (like any form of endoscope) is reusable and is washed, flushed and sterilised between uses; the camera is not in the part of the bronchoscope that enters the body but in the handle with fibre optics taking the image to the camera (as well as fibre optics taking light to the end of the bronchoscope), in fact a standard bronchoscope doesn’t come with a camera instead it has an eyepiece for the Veterinarian to view and a camera may be attached there for recording. There are working channels for suction, air, water, biopsy tools etc… Bronchoscopy is great because we can visualise the condition (tumour, foreign object, defect etc…) and if necessary take a sample for histopathology without having to perform surgery. Regards Dr Callum Turner DVM
June 28, 2018
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4 found this helpful
I have a yorkie who is 12 years old, he has been checked from head to toe and there is no heart disease or trachea collaspe. He has always had allergies since being little. He has began to cough and will act like something is in his throat and he is trying to get it up. he also will sneeze and lick his paws. He drinks well and eats well.his eyes will water. I think this is allergies. The vet stated he has a high sterum in the chestbone that was inherited, this may be the reason. any thoughts
Nov. 30, 2017
4 Recommendations
The paw licking, sneezing and eye watering sounds more like allergies than anything else; however, the cough may be caused by a deformity of the sternum but we would normally see coughing from a much younger age (like from a puppy). It is difficult to say what the specific cause of the coughing is without examining Jasper, but further investigation is required; cough suppressants may be useful but would need to be discussed with your Veterinarian. Regards Dr Callum Turner DVM
Nov. 30, 2017
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