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- Vetericyn
Written By Mel Lee-Smith
Published: 10/06/2020Updated: 08/30/2021
Vetericyn Plus is a gentle wound cleansing spray that contains no alcohol, peroxide, or other harsh chemical debriding agents. Vetericyn Plus comes in several over-the-counter formulations for dogs, cats, chickens, reptiles, and horses. The wound care spray is the biggest seller of the Vetericyn pet care line, though this brand also makes vitamins and other specialty sprays.
Hypochlorous acid, the active ingredient in Vetericyn products, is similar to saline in that it's pH neutral and non-irritating to delicate skin and open wounds. This formula is effective at eliminating bacteria, viruses, and fungal pathogens at the skin-level. These topical sprays aren't suitable for internal use and won't treat conditions like stomach bugs or colds.
Vetericyn Sprays and Hydrogel:
Spray 3 to 4 times per day or as needed on the problem area.
Vetericyn All-In Supplement:
- Under 10 lbs: 1 tablet daily
- 11 to 50 lbs: 2 tablets daily
- 50+ lbs: 3 tablets daily
Dosage instructions
Vetericyn Sprays:
Before applying the spray, brush your pet's fur away from the treatment area. Spritz the wound thoroughly to disinfect and remove any debris. Vetericyn can also be sprayed on wound dressings to keep the area clean and prevent it from sticking to the skin.
Vetericyn All-In Supplements:
Give this medication to your dog once a day with or without a meal. Refer to the dosage chart for the appropriate dosage for your pet's weight.
Studies of hypochlorous acid's use as a disinfectant determined it was "highly effective" at eliminating surface pathogens like staph, hepatitis, and many bacteria strains. When applied to lab-grown yeast specimens, researchers found that hypochlorous acid successfully eliminated all fungi on both Petri dishes and mammalian skin.
Human studies show hypochlorous acid killsmicrobes within 12 seconds of application. One study of people with skin ulcers found that a 3-week course of treatment with a hypochlorous acid solution caused a significant reduction in ulcer size for one-third of the study group.
The remaining patients were treated for 9 more weeks. By the end of the study, half of the participants were fully healed. The rest showed signs of healing, with ulcers shrinking by more than half the original size.
Active ingredients in Vetericyn
Vetericyn Sprays and Hydrogel:
Hypochlorous acid
Vetericyn All-In Supplements:
The active ingredients in Vetericyn All-In supplements vary depending on the type and formulation. Visit the Vetericyn website for more details.
Side effects
Vetericyn Plus is very gentle and doesn't usually cause adverse reactions. Canines with sensitive skin may exhibit mild symptoms such as:
- Skin irritation
- Redness
- Itching
Vetericyn Plus treats small lacerations and mild dermatological issues. Consult your vet if you think your dog has a life-threatening wound or is showing signs of infection. Infections in open wounds may appear red and tend to be swollen, warm, tender, and may ooze pus. Ask your vet before using any over-the-counter medications on your dog.
Drug interactions
Vetericyn has no known drug interactions.
Allergic reactions and sensitivity
Reactions to hypochlorous acid are uncommon but may include:
- Skin blisters
- Irritation
- Redness
- Flaky skin
- Hair loss
- Swelling
Stop using this product if you suspect your pet may be reacting to it.
Frequently asked questions
Is Vetericyn made from bleach?
No, though the chemical composition of these solutions are similar, and both are disinfectants. Both bleach and Vetericyn Plus contain hypochlorous acid. However, bleach is made using the calcium or sodium salts of this acid. Unlike bleach, which destroys tissue due to its high pH, Vetericyn Plus is gentle enough for your pet since the pH matches your canine's skin.
Does Vetericyn for dogs contain antibiotics?
No products in the Vetericyn pet care line contain antibiotics or steroids.
What's the difference between the regular spray and the hydrogel versions of Vetericyn for dogs?
These products share the same active ingredients, but the hydrogel formula is a gel consistency, whereas the spray is a thin liquid.
Is Vetericyn safe for young dogs?
Yes! Vetericyn is totally safe for young and old dogs and shouldn't interfere with any pre-existing conditions.
Will it hurt my dog if I accidentally get Vetericyn Spray in their eyes?
No, Vetericyn formulas won't irritate the eyes or mucous membranes.
Do I need to reapply Vetericyn if I bathe my dog?
Yes, you'll need to respray if the wound comes in contact with water. This will disinfect the area and can prevent an infection from bacteria in the water.
Will it hurt my dog if they lick Vetercyin spray off their skin?
No. This solution is completely safe if your canine consumes it.
Does my pet need a prescription for the veterinary formula of Vetericyn Plus for dogs?
No. Vetercyin Plus VF is available over-the-counter as well. The difference between this formulation and the regular wound spray is the veterinary formula contains more hypochlorous acid.
Can I use Vetericyn Plus for dogs with ear infections?
You can use this medication to treat outer ear infections, though your pet may still need an antibiotic. Never use implements such as droppers or cotton swabs to place Vetericyn deeper within the ear canal.