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Holistic Bronchitis Treatment in Dogs
Written By hannah hollinger
Published: 06/08/2017Updated: 11/19/2021
Veterinary reviewed by Michele K.
What is Holistic Bronchitis Treatment?
Canine bronchitis will cause dogs to cough and hack, sometimes uncontrollably. Bronchitis develops when the bronchial tubes become swollen due to infection or irritation. There are two types of bronchitis: acute and chronic. Both induce coughing and can develop from a number of common and serious conditions, but acute bronchitis typically lasts between a few days and a few weeks, whereas chronic bronchitis may never end or may recur many times throughout the year.
Holistic approaches take into account the individual animal they are attempting to heal, instead of treating only the condition (prescribing pills until it dissipates). Holistic treatments are often synonymous with natural remedies or methods, as all have the goal of healing, not medicating.
Holistic Bronchitis Treatment Procedure in Dogs
There are several holistic approaches a pet owner can take in order to help alleviate canine bronchitis:
Keeping the air nice and moist is one of the most productive ways to soothe a chronic cough. A humidifier isn’t necessary ,as running a hot shower with the bathroom door closed will create the same effect and benefits.
Remove any scarves or collars
An easy way to help a dog find relief from bronchitis is to remove anything around their neck that may be irritating or causing minor pressure. This is especially helpful to do at night, so the dog can sleep restfully.
Natural cough suppressants
Licorice root, lemon, and/or honey are all natural remedies for coughing (especially dry coughing), as they soothe and moisten the throat. Warm water, honey, and lemon when mixed together and administered to a dog, either in a bowl or with a needle-less syringe, may suppress coughing, depending on the cause.
Dandelions are extremely rich in vitamins and antioxidants. In addition to being a wonderful source of nutrients for your dog, this weed helps keep a healthy heart, potentially protecting against heart disease. One teaspoon of dried dandelion leaves or essence of dandelion root per twenty pounds of dog is the recommended dosage.
One or all methods combined may help heal a dog holistically within a week or two. For coughing as a response to sinusitis or kennel cough, holistic treatments may be enough to alleviate a majority of the coughing, healing the animal as well as improving their overall health. However, if coughing or discomfort continues, especially with any signs of issues breathing or lowered stamina, professional care should be sought. This is especially crucial as the coughing could be the result of a more serious, unknown medical condition, such as heart disease or tracheal collapse. Even kennel cough, which is highly contagious in dogs, can develop into a more severe viral infection, requiring veterinary attention.
Efficacy of Holistic Bronchitis Treatment in Dogs
In the medical field, holistic medicine and methods are regularly debated, especially in regard to effectiveness. However, the goal of holistic treatments is to treat the patient’s overall health and not just a currently existing condition. Due to this fact, holistic medicines and methods may prove highly effective in improving general health and well-being.
The efficacy of holistic treatments for canine bronchitis in particular is dependent upon the type of bronchitis. For acute bronchitis, holistic treatments are an ideal way for pet-owners to help the healing process, naturally. For chronic bronchitis, however, holistic treatments may not be enough. Since it can be difficult to know the cause of the cough initially, a veterinary examination should be sought to make sure that medical care is not needed.
Holistic Bronchitis Treatment Recovery in Dogs
Natural remedies and methods, such as a holistic approach to canine bronchitis, do not require surgery or high doses of medication, meaning no recovery period is required.
Cost of Holistic Bronchitis Treatment in Dogs
Holistic methods are affordable and can successfully treat a non-threatening development of bronchitis within a few weeks. A humidifier can cost anywhere between $25 to hundreds of dollars, but is a beneficial purchase for any pet and pet owner suffering from seasonal allergies and coughing. Other natural remedies, such as licorice or dandelion root can be bought as pills for around $8 or in their natural, whole state in bulk tea supply stores for around $12.
However, because bronchitis can stem from many medical conditions and causes, it’s important to keep a routine schedule of veterinarian visits and checkups (one to two a year, unless otherwise recommended). Before trying out holistic treatments at home, pet-owners should make an appointment with a veterinarian. Once a checkup confirms normal health, a dog’s coughing might be treated holistically and may see results.
Dog owners may also choose to schedule a consultation with a holistic veterinarian. These veterinarians are specialists in holistic care and will be able to treat an animal based on their individual health needs. Consultations can cost anywhere between $100-$140, which does not include the cost of any medicines or natural treatments they may suggest.
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Dog Holistic Bronchitis Treatment Considerations
The ability to treat and heal a pet is a rewarding experience, which is why many pet owners choose to tackle any minor health issues their dog may struggle with themselves. However, because coughing is merely an external sign that something isn’t going quite right with the body internally, pet owners are recommended to seek the advice and services of a veterinarian. While coughing may only signal an allergy or the dog-equivalent of a cold, coughing can also be a sign of something more serious.
Holistic Bronchitis Treatment Prevention in Dogs
Bronchitis typically develops when the immune system is under attack, causing an infection to occur. The holistic treatments discussed are also preventative methods as they seek to improve overall health. Any of the following steps will help prevent bronchitis in dogs:
Keep allergens under control
As allergies weaken the immune system and can cause infection in the bronchi, keeping anything an animal may be allergic to out of their foods or home is key. If a dog has seasonal allergies, a great way to help them find relief is to frequently clean the house. Dust mites and other allergens thrive in carpets and fabrics.
Keep the immune system healthy
Ensuring your dog stays hydrated, especially on hot days or after long activity, helps keep the immune system healthy and functioning. Dogs produce vitamins beneficial to their immune system on their own, so any supplementation of vitamins should be consulted with a veterinarian. This is key especially if your dog is frequently around other dogs. If a pet-owner often leaves their pet in the care of a kennel, the exposure to many dogs can lead to easier development of illness, such as kennel cough and bronchitis. Vaccinations are available for some of these diseases.
Keep the heart healthy
An active lifestyle is key to warding away any dangerous heart conditions. A routine schedule of activity keeps a dog mentally happy and its heart healthy.
Holistic Bronchitis Treatment Questions and Advice from Veterinary Professionals
4 Years
0 found this helpful
0 found this helpful
My pet has the following symptoms:
Dry Cough
Dry Cough Coldess
Cold Fever Runny Nose Dry Cough
Couging ,Runny Nose Cold Fever
Feb. 9, 2018
Answered by Dr. Michele K. DVM
0 Recommendations
Thank you for your email. Without examining Zoes, I can't diagnose or recommend anything for him. He sounds like he does need to see a veterinarian, as he may have a bacterial, fungal, parasitic, inflammatory or neoplastic problem going on, and all of those are treated very differently. Many clinics do offer a 'free first exam' that you could use to at least have him evaluated to find out what might be going on, and most clinics offer CareCredit as a form of payment for unexpected expenses. I hope that everything goes well for him.
Feb. 9, 2018
STANDARD HERBS HOME your herbal remedy really helped me to cure the deadly COPD disease that almost took my life, i just want to say thank you and how much it really meant to me, i will make sure i tell the whole world about your herbal medicine and make sure i donate some funds to your orphanage home. Thanks so much STANDARD HERBS HOME.
May 1, 2018
Jean H.
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6 Years
3 found this helpful
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My pet has the following symptoms:
Dry Cough
My dog has been wheezing/gagging/coughing since 8am this morning. I don’t know what’s wrong with him. He’s 6 years old and he is a Beagle. My dog is otherwise very healthy, but he hasn’t been to see a vet in quite some time. Should I be worried? Or should I wait another day or two to see if it persists?
Oct. 23, 2017
3 Recommendations
Wheezing, gagging and coughing may be just due to some respiratory irritation, just keep an eye on the symptoms to see if they improve or increase in severity. If Spanky is having difficulty in breathing and isn’t getting enough oxygen to his body you should visit a Veterinarian immediately. The issue may be caused by an infection, irritation (new cleaning product in the home?), allergies or other issues. Regards Dr Callum Turner DVM
Oct. 24, 2017
I was diagnosed of chronic bronchitis 2017. I had no temperature, but coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath. My doctor gave me antibiotics and cough syrup for my bronchitis, still not better, so called in a Z-Pak which did not help. I went to see the doctor again and he put me on Levaquin, prednisone shot and pills. I was somewhat better but still having breathing problems and coughing. After countless hours of online research and trial & error. What worked for me was chronic bronchitis herbal remedy I purchased from Best Health Herbal Centre. I only used the chronic bronchitis herbal remedy for five weeks. Reversing chronic bronchitis has completely transformed my life and I am so grateful for my success all thanks to Best Health Herbal Centre.....For more information visit their website
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Feb. 11, 2018
Davis P.
I was diagnosed of chronic bronchitis 2017. I had no temperature, but coughing, wheezing and shortness of breath. My doctor gave me antibiotics and cough syrup for my bronchitis, still not better, so called in a Z-Pak which did not help. I went to see the doctor again and he put me on Levaquin, prednisone shot and pills. I was somewhat better but still having breathing problems and coughing. After countless hours of online research and trial & error. What worked for me was chronic bronchitis herbal remedy I purchased from Best Health Herbal Centre. I only used the chronic bronchitis herbal remedy for five weeks. Reversing chronic bronchitis has completely transformed my life and I am so grateful for my success all thanks to Best Health Herbal Centre.....For more information visit their website
w ww .besthealthherbalcentre. co m
Feb. 11, 2018
Davis P.
Carter Jayden
Four years ago I was diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). I have had asthma all my life. I have just been to the doctors and seen a senior nurse who has told me I no longer have COPD and Asthma. My breathing is great and I don’t feel I need inhaler anymore,The COPD and Asthma herbal remedies i purchased online from Dr George (Good Health Herbs Home) worked perfectly just like a miracle,am living COPD and Asthma free now ,all thanks to Dr George God bless….
Dec. 20, 2017
Carter U.
Carter Jayden
Four years ago I was diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). I have had asthma all my life. I have just been to the doctors and seen a senior nurse who has told me I no longer have COPD and Asthma. My breathing is great and I don't feel I need inhaler anymore,The COPD and Asthma herbal remedies i purchased online from Dr George (Good Health Herbs Home) worked perfectly just like a miracle,am living COPD and Asthma free now ,all thanks to Dr George God bless.... contact details (ww w goodhealthherbshome .com)
Dec. 20, 2017
Carter U.
Carter Jayden
Four years ago I was diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). I have had asthma all my life. I have just been to the doctors and seen a senior nurse who has told me I no longer have COPD and Asthma. My breathing is great and I don't feel I need inhaler anymore,The COPD and Asthma herbal remedies i purchased online from Dr George (Good Health Herbs Home) worked perfectly just like a miracle,am living COPD and Asthma free now ,all thanks to Dr George God bless.... contact details (ww w goodhealthherbshome .com)
Dec. 20, 2017
Carter U.
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