Natural Remedies for Kidney Failure in Dogs

Written By hannah hollinger
Published: 06/05/2017Updated: 01/13/2022
Veterinary reviewed by Michele K.
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What is Natural Remedies for Kidney Failure?

Kidney failure occurs when the kidney is no longer able to filter toxins normally. This is also known as kidney (renal) disease. Kidney failure is either acute or chronic. Dogs with acute kidney failure often have a better prognosis than those with chronic renal failure if it is treated quickly. Kidney damage associated with chronic kidney disease is typically irreversible.

Natural Remedies for Kidney Failure Procedure in Dogs

Remedies for treating canine kidney failure are more effective for resolving the symptoms of kidney failure rather than the condition itself.  All natural remedies should be administered according to veterinary instruction.

Vitamin & Mineral Supplementation

  • Fish oil
  • B vitamins
  • Iron
  • Pet-friendly multivitamins

Homeopathic Remedies

  • Fresh parsley: Promotes normal urination
  • Kali chloricum: Useful for treating chronic kidney disorders
  • Arsenicum album: Relieves vomiting and gastrointestinal upset associated with kidney failure and kidney disease
  • Silicea: Fortifies kidney tissue and slows kidney degeneration

Miscellaneous Remedies

  • Low-protein diet
  • Mastica: Resolves gastrointestinal upset.
  • Aluminum hydroxide: Removes phosphorus buildup in the kidneys
  • Glandular therapy: Involves feeding your dog dietary beef kidney to restore kidney function and promote healing of damaged kidney tissue. To find out more about glandular therapy, ask your veterinarian.

Efficacy of Natural Remedies for Kidney Failure in Dogs

Natural remedies for kidney failure are most effective for resolving the secondary symptoms associated with the condition. Please note that these remedies will not cure or treat the underlying condition itself. Veterinary treatment is imperative to treat the underlying condition.

Natural Remedies for Kidney Failure Recovery in Dogs

As natural remedies generally take the form of dietary supplements, there is no recovery time associated with the administration of this form of therapy. A dog’s recovery from kidney disease will depend on the nature and severity of the condition, as well as the overall scope of treatment, both medical and supportive.

Cost of Natural Remedies for Kidney Failure in Dogs

The cost of natural remedies to treat kidney failure will vary based on the remedy used and the specific symptoms of the dog. Some remedies, such as vitamin supplementation and dietary changes, are relatively inexpensive to implement. These may cost the owner as little as $20. Other therapies, such as glandular therapy, may be more expensive, especially when combined with other methods. Veterinary treatment for acute kidney failure costs $2,500 on average, but may vary depending on the severity of the disease and the type of treatment used.

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Dog Natural Remedies for Kidney Failure Considerations

In order to fully treat acute kidney failure, the cause needs to be identified. If you believe your dog may be suffering from a kidney condition, seek immediate veterinary attention. Do not rely solely on natural or homeopathic remedies to treat kidney disease. Because it can be a serious condition that warrants hospitalization and even surgery in some cases, dogs with kidney conditions must be examined and treated by a certified veterinarian. Before administering any homeopathic or natural remedies, consult your vet for dosing instructions. If your dog has an allergic reaction to a natural remedy, consult your veterinarian immediately.

Natural Remedies for Kidney Failure Prevention in Dogs

Some poisonous plants and harmful substances can cause acute kidney failure. These include antifreeze, aminoglycoside antibiotics, grapes, raisins, and NSAIDs made for human use. Ensure your dog does not consume any of these substances or foods. Dietary modifications and vitamin supplementation may also help prevent kidney disease. Before changing your dog’s diet or administering any supplements, you should consult your trusted veterinarian.

Natural Remedies for Kidney Failure Questions and Advice from Veterinary Professionals


Eight Years

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My pet has the following symptoms:
Kidney Problem
He is doing vomiting, become lathargic. He is currently undergoing drip treatment. I want to understand if any homeopathic medicine can help him.

Sept. 25, 2020

Answered by Dr. Michele K. DVM

0 Recommendations

Thank you for your question. I apologize for the delay, this venue is not set up for urgent emails. I hope that your pet is feeling better. There are no homeopathic solutions to kidney disease that I am aware of, and IV fluids remain a mainstay for treatment. If they are still having problems, It would be best to have your pet seen by a veterinarian, as they can examine them, see what might be going on, and get any testing or treatment taken care of that might be needed.

Oct. 21, 2020

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1 Year

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My pet has the following symptoms:
Hi there, i recently rescued a 1 year old Corgi/desert dog mix who vomits every night and sometimes in the day. We did a blood test and got the following results; creatinine-2.2 mg/dl, BUN-27mg/dl and ALT-121 U/L. the doctor rang us up to inform us that it looks like renal failure. could i please have a guideline to better help my dog recover.

Aug. 16, 2018

0 Recommendations

Reference ranges vary between equipment and the ALT and BUN may be considered high ‘normal’ within some reference ranges; however the creatinine level is moderately elevated giving it a stage 2 out of 4. Treatment is based on any underlying conditions (infections, poisoning etc…) as well as fluids (if required) and dietary modification; there is no one fits all cure and generally damage to the kidneys is irreversible. Regards Dr Callum Turner DVM

Aug. 17, 2018

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