Hydroactive Wound Dressings in Dogs

What are Hydroactive Wound Dressings?

Hydroactive wound dressings are specialized bandages that combine with the wound exudate, trapping fluid within the matrix structure and causing the bandage to swell. The matrix of the hydro-acting bandage has an adhesive component that is secured by a secondary film, which serves as a barrier against fluid evaporation. The main goal of the hydroactive wound dressing is to lock in moisture, preventing the wound from drying out. Therefore, it makes sense that these wound dressings are multilayered designed with polymer gel and a polyurethane film membrane that won’t adhere to the wound. Hydroactive wound dressings are also waterproof and have a permeable barrier to protect the wound against bacterial contaminants. Placement of a hydroactive wound dressing for dogs is commonly performed by a veterinarian, veterinary technician or veterinary assistant, depending on the wound type. 

Hydroactive Wound Dressings Procedure in Dogs

If applicable, apply pressure to all bleeding wounds. All wounds should be irrigated with warm saline and the surrounding skin should be dry before dressing the wound. 

The method of a applying a hydroactive wound dressing for a dog depends on the type of dressing required for the specific wound. 

Tielle Hydroactive Dressings

  1. Center the island of the dressing over the wound so that the bandage is completely covering the affected area. 
  2. Allow 2-3 cm margins around the wound to adhere to the skin.

Cutinova Hydro Dressings 

  1. Apply directly to the wound.
  2. 3-4 cm margins greater than the wound size. 
  3. Dressing edges are warmed slightly with hand compressions to aid adhesion. 

Allevyn Plus Cavity

  1. This hydroactive wound dressing has the ability to expand and absorb exude, therefore, is placed carefully into the wound cavity. 
  2. Place carefully into the wound cavity, occupying no more than 33% of the cavity space. 
  3. Cover outer layer with suitable dressing material, such as Cutinova Hydro or Allevyn Thin. 

Hydroactive wound dressings for dogs may remain in place for up to a week’s time, or seven days, depending on the exudation from the wound. 

Efficacy of Hydroactive Wound Dressings in Dogs

Hydroactive wound dressings for dogs are high effective, as these bandages provide a moist environment for epithelialization and granulation (components of healing) to the affected area. The placement of the hydroactive dressing is relatively simple and comfortable for the patient. The dressing will remain in place for a duration of time before it needs replaced. 

Hydroactive Wound Dressings Recovery in Dogs

Hydroactive wound dressings for dogs provide a faster recovery time than the traditional gauze material. As hydroactive wound dressings provide a protective barrier against harmful bacteria, the dog has a lesser chance of wound infections. The waterproof component of the hydroactive dressing also prevent conditions such as gangrene and skin damage that would increase healing time, or even create a bigger problem.

Cost of Hydroactive Wound Dressings in Dogs

Hydroactive wound dressings are much more cost-effective than traditional wound dressing materials such as saline soaks, dry gauze, and paraffin gauze. The nursing time and cost of professional care are greatly reduced when using hydroactive dressings because the bandage does not need to be replaced as often as traditional wound dressing materials. The canine patient also has a faster healing time and less chance of bacterial infection, which again, reduces the overall cost. The cost of a hydroactive wound dressing has a wide price range from $30-$300, depending on the type of bandage the canine requires. 

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Dog Hydroactive Wound Dressings Considerations

Hydroactive wound dressings for dogs are considered unsuitable for low-level exudate wounds or those that are clinically infected. Hydroactive wound dressings have no reported negative effects, but care should be taken on delicate skin or damaged skin. Dogs that are prone to skin allergies should also be closely monitored as the polymer gel and polyurethane layers of the bandage may cause the canine to develop a rash. Although no cases have been reported of dogs being allergic to the hydroactive components of the dressing, it does not mean your dog will not experience an adverse reaction.

Hydroactive Wound Dressings Prevention in Dogs

Hydroactive wound dressings for dogs are used for moderate to high-level exuding wounds and are, therefore, used in times of trauma. The best way to prevent the need of a hydroactive wound dressing is to prevent a traumatic incident from affecting the dog. Taking precautionary measures such as keeping the dog in a fenced in yard, on a leash when leaving the house, or inside the home when appropriate, will aid in preventing trauma cases from happening. 

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