Catch treats
Play keep away
Eating Snacks
Maximus is a fantastic walking companion as long as you can keep him from sneaking snacks. Because he was bread to scout out small animals, he is an expert at finding street snacks. He had a tendency to want to zig-zag while walking and because of this, I keep the leash short and have been working on keeping his head up and facing forward and using a signal, "tsst" to keep his attention. Over the course of our experience together he has learned this command and has improved dramatically in his manners.
He is a stubborn dog and is only erratically interested in interacting with people. This behavior, in conjunction with his lack of interest in treats does lend itself toward a more difficult training regiment. He recently has developed an interest in other dogs and will either stand stone-still until they pass or he will jump wildly to get toward them. Because he have less interest in a human connection, he sometimes seems to get frustrated and actually uses his front paws to launch himself off of me toward the dog with whom he is interested in interacting. We have been working to quell this behavior.
Basenjis have a wealth of energy. Maximus could easily cover many more miles than our time allows.
When we get back to the house he moans about it and mildly resists going back into his cage. He is, however, well trained in this regard--though not without protest. As is the nature of Basenjis, he does make a little noise, but never barks.
Maximus does typify the Basenji nature in many of his characteristics, though because of his age, he does tend to be a little more personable than other Basenji dogs I've encountered. When given a command or interacted with by an individual on the street, he will gaze directly at them and does sometimes try to put his front paws on them.
For an individual who is interested in an independent companion, Basenjjs are very good companions. If, on the other hand, a person is seeking a dog who will respond with cuddles and tail wags, their behavior would not lend itself to much reward. Maximus is a fantastic dog, a very good distance-walking companion, and for the surprise of a sudden silly burst of energy and happiness. Overall, because of their size, energy level, and independence, I do tend to enjoy strolling with Maximus.
7 years, 3 months ago