Laying in the sun
hide and seek
Watching tv
Teaching tricks
Tug of war
He was very smart, trainable, and had a lot of energy. When I drove him home (Nashville TN to Columbus OH), every stop he would try to go back the way we came lol. Also I learned immediately he hates car rides. I couldn’t feed him before one or he’d be panting and salivating until he threw up. At the gas station he’d go so crazy if I went in and payed. I’d come out to him barking, running from driver to passenger seat, and what looked like fresh snow dumped on my seat (from him being nervous and shedding profusely). That never changed all the years I had him, though my sister gave him a calming chew and he’d seem much better. Once home, he grew attached almost immediately and would learn something almost everyday. Whether it was to climb stairs, hop into my bed, tell me when he needs to go out, go home means kennel/timeout, etc.. I learned he was incredibly intelligent. Main reason being he learned so easily and he could make facial expressions like he had human eyebrows and mouth lol. He grew pretty fast also, abnormal for his breed and the biggest of the litter. He definitely had a knack for getting rid of pest whether indoors or backyard. While independent, he abhors being separated (me going anywhere) and will occasionally show it by eating my things/the blinds he’d look out of to see if I’m coming back. And lastly, the biggest mistake I made was not socializing him with other dogs. He did help me raise and train a dog I gave my brother, but that’s almost it when it came to having a dog as a real friend. It showed when he got older. Maybe with one dog in house he’s fine. But more than two and he’d start being mean and misbehaving (using it indoors, growling at other dogs, etc.). He also happened to be quite the ladies man, falling in love with dogs much bigger than him, and never his size lol. Definitely loved thanksgiving as he was born on thanksgiving 2011 and a turkey leg would be one of his birthday presents. Was extremely friendly (ran up on strangers even which drove me up a wall because he would scare them sometimes and go way out his way to get away from me and to a stranger lol) but had funny fits of choosing to be friendly. He would act as if he’d never met someone so he had to vet them all over again, but once they petted him his memory comes back as if saying “oh hey I remember you! I love you, please scratch my belly” lol. It must be true that dogs reflect their owner. He was independent in cases, picky about food, very intelligent, had extremely expressive eyebrows lol, and loved to cuddle & watch tv among other things. He made loving him easy and a real joy. Some of my favorite things about him was how excited he was after bathing so he would jet through the house showing off the shiny coat lol, his facial expressions, how he’d swing his nub of a tail out of excitement lol, him waking me with his wet nose, and the sheer excitement & greeting with gratitude is get coming through the door! No matter if I was gone 5mins or 5hrs (which also served as a reminder when his nails were too long, and needing cutting because boy he could scratch out of excitement lol). Overall my Jefe was great and a real pleasure to have as a companion. Only thing I would change is the car ride comfortability, and me socializing him during training. Oh and my god the shedding! I couldn’t just wear socks around the house, pet him with black clothes on lol, and swept everyday! Even still, I loved him so much and would do it all over again. Even if the shedding multiplied by x2. I personally, especially recommend this breed. Lastly, Jack-Rats literally love to held like a baby. Be it the burping position, rocking, or just walking around holding them. Lol enjoy
3 years, 5 months ago