Gomsan and I walk up and down bridges.
Gomsan and I sprint 50 meter sprints together
I throw tennis balls and he sprints for them.
My pungsan puppy is from a litter of 5 puppies and other than the girl dogs, who are about 60 pounds, the boys are all 90-120 pounds at full maturity which they reach around 3-5 years old.
Gomsan doesn't run around like a hyperactive dog, or bark. Instead, he greets by wagging tail, and sometimes by whining. Pungsan rarely bark. He has a very good temperament. He never has a problem with other walking dogs, and minds his own business.
He has killed 2 baby possum at night, and can be seen as territorial. If new people were to enter the house, he may be cautious, growl, and bark. Other than those newcomer occasions, he's really mellow and I couldn't hear his voice even if I wanted to. I would say that if you live in a small space or apartment, please do not consider raising a Pungsan.
They NEED their space to pee, poop, and graze in their free time. They need a backyard they can freely move around. Remember, their origins sprout from the mountains of North Korea.
We neutered him really young, at 5-6 months old, and he was always super easy to train and had a very good temperament. However, the other pungsan who was not neutered is VERY independent, meaning, he doesn't run up to people or dogs to play or cuddle. He's very to himself, will bark ferociously if frightened, and generally, very hands-off. We still pet this pungsan and love him.
Pungsan are generally more chill/independent. They have their unique way of showing their love and appreciation for people.
I just measured my dog, his height from feet to top of head is 33" and his chest is 31". Two other brothers of Gomsan are BIGGER!!! I would say the measurements here are more for Jindo, or female Pungsan!
Otherwise, I would love the input of more Pungsan onto this website!
4 years, 8 months ago