Welsh Wire Fox Terrier Breed Maintenance
Being a hybrid of the Wire Fox Terrier and the Welsh Terrier, a Wirelesh's coat may need to be treated with a combination of tools and methods that one would use on either of its parents. Combs, slicker brushes, and nail clippers will be your tools of the trade by default, but you may also need to keep a deshedder at hand if you find that your Wirelesh has retained its Welsh Terrier parent's propensity for shedding. Both of the Welsh Wire Fox Terrier's parents have wiry, somewhat dense fur so your hybrid pup will likely be adorned in bushels of silken fur. To keep said fur healthy and strong, weekly grooming sessions will be required to help your Wirelesh's coat shine. As with all dogs, manual nail trimming should only bee attempted by the experienced and confident dog owner. Otherwise, seeking the aid of professional dog groomers will save you and your Wirelesh a great deal of pain and misery.