Save on pet insurance for your Rustralian Terrier
Now that you know what you’re in for, you may want to get ahead of future vet bills, which are typically $500-1,000 a year for a Rustralian Terrier.
Pet Insurance can help prepare you for unexpected vet bills. Compare top providers to get a custom quote that fits your pet’s unique health needs.
The Rustralian Terrier is a new hybrid breed, developed from crossing an Australian Terrier with a Jack Russell Terrier. Due to lack of history about these little dogs, we have to look to their parent breeds for clues about their ancestry. Starting with the Australian Terrier, this breed evolved from a variety of British Terriers that Settlers brought with them to the new country. The breed was developed for a variety of uses, from guarding the farm and home, to hunting, tending sheep and even killing rats and snakes. Tough and feisty, these small dogs were hard working dogs who soon won over all those that they came to know, and became a popular companion dog. The Australian Terrier was adaptable to town or country living and was noted for its loyalty, intelligence and happy nature. While not highly strung nor a persistent barker, they do make ideal family protectors with the boundless energy and the confidence of a much larger dog. The Jack Russell Terrier is a well known dog with a large personality. Developed in Southern England in the mid 1800s by Parson John Russell, Russell wanted to create a working Terrier that would hunt with the hounds, and one who could be small and feisty enough to bolt the foxes from their dens so the hounds could then chase after them. He certainly achieved his goal as the Jack Russell proved himself to be a worthy hunting dog. By the 1930s the Jack Russell breed became well known, and several breed clubs soon formed, each with different opinions on how a Jack Russell should look. The Jack Russell Terrier Club of America maintains an independent register classing the dog in the hunting niche. But the Jack Russell Terrier Association of America sought recognition by the American Kennel Club. They received recognition in 2000. Today this feisty, full of energy small dog still has a very loyal following and remains popular as a companion dog who is small in size and big in confidence.