Eye Injuries in Cats
Written By Darlene Stott
Published: 08/26/2016Updated: 09/26/2024
Veterinary reviewed by Dr. Linda Simon, MVB MRCVS
Eye Injuries in Cats - Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, Recovery, Management, Cost
What are Eye Injuries?
Untreated eye injuries can greatly damage your cat’s eye, even leading to blindness and/or eye removal in severe cases. If your cat is avoiding bright lights, keeping their eye closed, or squinting, it’s likely that the eye is injured. Seek veterinary care immediately if you suspect an eye injury.
Eye injuries can be caused by play, fighting with other cats, a foreign object that has either penetrated or fully punctured the eye, and even projectiles like fireworks or BB guns. 
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Symptoms of Eye Injuries in Cats
Eye injury symptoms tend to occur rapidly, increasing in intensity as the foreign object remains in the eye or the wound worsens. The following symptoms indicate that your cat’s eye is injured:
  • Penetrating: The wound or foreign object has entered the eye but does not puncture the cornea or sclera (the white of the eye). 
  • Perforating: The wound or foreign object has passed through the cat’s cornea or sclera. These typically are more serious injuries. 
Causes of Eye Injuries in Cats
Cats possess complex vision systems that allow them to hunt at night and see objects clearly from yards away. Cats have also a third “eyelid,” a thick membrane that protects the eye from scratches and debris. Despite this, cats’ eyes are prone to injury. Causes of eye injuries in cats include: 
  • Fights with other animals
  • Scratches from leaves or branches
  • Playing with objects in the home
  • Car accidents 
  • Fireworks or other projectiles
  • Chemical splashes, for example from shampoo or insecticides
Diagnosis of Eye Injuries in Cats
Injuries to the eye constitute a medical emergency. Only a veterinarian can diagnose an eye injury and recommend proper treatment. Even if the foreign object is visible, do not attempt to treat an eye injury at home. Doing so could risk further damage to your cat’s eye.
When you visit your veterinarian, give them an account of what happened, including when you first noticed the injury and what you believe may have caused it. Tell your veterinarian if you feel the injury is getting better or worse. 
During the exam, the vet will first look for the presence of a foreign object. If the object is visible, the diagnosis will be straightforward.
However, if there isn’t a visible cause, your veterinarian may wish to rule out deeper injury, corneal ulcer, or bruising by conducting a full ocular examination. They will use light to check your cat’s pupils, ensuring they are symmetrical and responding properly. The vet may also stain the eye to check for any ulcers and flush the tear duct to see if it is patent.
If external causes are not thought to be responsible for the injury, your veterinarian may wish to examine the internal parts of your cat’s eye.
Treatment of Eye Injuries in Cats
Treatment for your cat’s eye injury will be recommended based on the severity of the injury and which part of the eye is affected. Penetrating injuries usually have a better chance of recovery than perforating injuries, and blunt traumas are more severe than sharp traumas to the eye. 
Penetrating injuries
Typically, if the injury is penetrating and has no opening, your veterinarian will suggest an Elizabethan collar to prevent your cat from further damaging the eye. Antibiotics or eye drops are used to ease inflammation and swelling. Corneal ulcers are often treated with antibiotic ointments. 
Perforating injuries
Surgical repair will be required for perforating injuries, including corneal lacerations and full-thickness wounds. If the foreign object remains in the eye, surgery will be needed to remove it. In most cases, lacerated corneas due to foreign objects can be treated, but a specialist surgeon is usually required.
Vision loss is possible if the injury is deep within the eye. If your cat is struggling with light perception, there may be an injury to the lens or a hemorrhage in the vitreous, the gel-like structure that gives the eye its shape. 
After surgery, your veterinarian will recommend antibiotics and pain relievers as needed. These medications will vary depending on the severity of the wound. 
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Recovery of Eye Injuries in Cats
Following surgery, monitor your cat to ensure the injury is healing properly. Note any changes to the eye, and contact your veterinarian if you believe the wound isn’t healing. If your cat has suffered vision loss due to the injury, you will have to help your pet cope with their new disability. 
Most eye injuries in cats heal completely, allowing the cat to resume their normal activities. Recovery time largely depends on the type of injury and its severity. Be sure to administer all medications that your vet recommends, and remove any potential eye irritants from the cat’s reach.
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Eye Injuries Average Cost
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Eye Injuries Questions and Advice from Veterinary Professionals
One Year

60 found this helpful


60 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Swollen Left Eye, Third Eyelid Half Showing With What Looks Like A Scratch On Top,Mucus
I think the little cat scratched the bigger one while playing.. doesnt seem as if hes in pain badly, still playful but it doesn't look to good, I tried to wipe it with a warm cloth but he wont let me near it.
Feb. 2, 2021
Answered by Dr. Maureen M. DVM
60 Recommendations
Hi, Sorry about that. Eye lacerations can be painful which explains why he doesn't the eye touched. He needs to be put on an antibiotic eye ointment or drops to prevent any bacterial infection from setting in. Also, some anti-inflammatories can help with the pain. Please pay your vet a visit for a check-up and treatment. Good luck
Feb. 2, 2021
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Domestic Cat
Two Years

23 found this helpful


23 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Eye Scratching
My cat got into a fight, and another cat scratched her eye. There was bleeding. Her eye is covered with lumps of skin and some pus. I have covered it in triple antibiotics. Don't have money for a vet.
Nov. 7, 2020
Answered by Dr. Linda S. MVB MRCVS
23 Recommendations
Hi there, you don't say what exactly your question is. An incident like this is potentially very serious and could lead to the loss of an eye if not treated promptly and effectively. I appreciate your financial concern but this isn't something that can be treated at home. Your cat needs veterinary attention as well as prescription medicine such as pain relief and anti inflammatories. We should also protect the eyes by having her wear a buster collar and clean them with saline.
Nov. 7, 2020
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Philippine cat
One Year

5 found this helpful


5 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Eye Injury, Distorded Swollen Eyes With Visible Blood
I want to do help her, but I don't know what to do. We just noticed it in the morning, we all think it's because of a car accident. Please help me
Sept. 28, 2020
Answered by Dr. Michele K. DVM
5 Recommendations
Thank you for your question. Unfortunately, there is not very much that I can do for her over an email. She does need to see a veterinarian, as she may be blind, from what you are describing. I hope that she is okay, and that you were able to get care for her.
Oct. 7, 2020
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0 found this helpful


0 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Seem To Have A Cut At The Side Of The Eye
Is it something I should worry about This is my runt in a litter of 6 but the others seam to practice more play fighting on her This is also the first time I noticed it for two days ago the mother moved the kittens to a more bigger and not so accessible apot
Sept. 27, 2020
Answered by Dr. Michele K. DVM
0 Recommendations
Thank you for your question. If the kitten is still having problems, It would be best to have your pet seen by a veterinarian, as they can examine them, see what might be going on, and get treatment if needed.
Oct. 14, 2020
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Domestic short hair cat
Eight Years

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0 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Dead Eye
Believed my cat had either an ear infection or mites, got OTC mite drops and started course of antibiotics I had at home. Noticed my cats eye was no longer reactive to stimuli. Eye is on the same side of suspected infection. The eye no longer blinks and the inner eyelid is at times bloodshot red. Has the eye died? And if so will it just naturally atrophy? What can I do at home to care for the eye? Cannot afford vet during these times unfortunately.
Sept. 26, 2020
Answered by Dr. Michele K. DVM
0 Recommendations
Thank you for your question. Without being able to see your cat, unfortunately, I don't have any way to know what will happen with the eye. If he had a problem with his inner ear, he may have had nerve damage, and it may resolve, or it may not. If you are able to, It would be best to have your pet seen by a veterinarian, as they can examine your pet, see what might be going on, and get treatment for them if needed.
Oct. 17, 2020
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Khao Manee
3 Years

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0 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Eye Clouding
Runny Eye
My cat was up and around during the night and we don't know exactly what happened to her eye. Its quite cloudy and swollen to the point where its barely open. She's very skittish, probably in pain, and we aren't able to get her in the carrier so we can bring her to the vet. We don't have any sharp objects in our house, and it doesn't look like it was punctured. She doesn't go outside at all, so it couldn't have be from anything there either. If you know any medication she could use or any possible causes, please list them out. I'm quite worried.
9 Months

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0 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Left Eye Closed
My cat was playing with a rubber band , the ones that they wrap around your mail. I guess it was caught under my bedside table , cause I knew she was playing with some thing but wasn't expecting what happened. She got a good grip on it and tried to pull it. Next thing I hear was the snap sound and she ran out of the room. I looked to see what she was trying to get and I saw the rubber band. Now her left eye is shut . I can separate her eye lids , don't see any drainage , but wiped it with warm cloth. Will she be ok?
Eye Injuries Average Cost
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