Listeriosis in Cats

What are Listeriosis?

Listeriosis is a sporadic bacterial infection that is found worldwide, infecting a wide range of animals including felines, canines, and humans. When ingested or inhaled, the Listeria organism tends to cause latent infection, abortion, and septicemia. In other cases, the bacterium travels to the spinal column, causing symptoms of depression, facial nerve paralysis, and circling. It may take anywhere from as little as two days to as long as two months for a cat to show clinical signs of the infection.

Listeria is a foodborne bacteria found in animals, water, and soil. Listeriosis occurs when a host is affected by the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes. Listeria is commonly found in raw cat foods, canned foods, and dairy products, as well as poultry and beef. Foods can become contaminated with the bacteria if exposed to the bacterium or were not washed, pasteurized or cooked properly. Listeria can also infect humans, dogs, and grazing livestock, but occurrences of cat to human transmission is considered rare to nonexistent. Felines infected with Listeria have variable symptoms from a mild flu-like response to a neurological reaction, though some cats may not present any evident symptoms of infection at all. Felines likely to present clinical signs are old, very young, or those with compromised immune systems, but healthy felines are less likely to fall ill. 

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Symptoms of Listeriosis in Cats

Symptoms of listeriosis in cats depend on the individual’s response to the bacterium. Not all cats who contract the Listeria bacteria will develop listeriosis, as healthy, non-pregnant felines are rarely affected. However, other felines exposed to Listeria will develop mild gastrointestinal symptoms or symptoms related to the brain. The following symptoms may present in a feline affected with Listeria: 

  • Muscle stiffness
  • Fever
  • Weakness 
  • Vomiting 
  • Decrease in appetite 
  • Diarrhea 
  • Facial nerve paralysis 
  • Depression 

Causes of Listeriosis in Cats

Listeria is a saprophyte organism that thrives in plant-soil based environments, however, bodies of water can also become contaminated due to erosion. The bacterium is easily ingested by grazing animals as they consume plant material and defecate in the same environment, passing the bacterium on to other ruminants. Cattle are a common transit vector of the Listeria bacterium due to the fact that both meat and milk products are commonly used in cat food products. Common sources of Listeria in a cat’s environment can include: 

  • Table scraps
  • Garbage
  • Cat food
  • Raw pet food
  • Unpasteurized dairy products
  • Uncooked Seafood 
  • Undercooked poultry, beef, lamb or goat meat

Diagnosis of Listeriosis in Cats

The diagnosis of listeriosis in cats will begin with a complete physical exam, a review of your feline’s medical record and a consultation with you about clinical signs at home. The doctor will likely ask you about your cat’s current diet, specifically, if she is fed a raw diet or meat or dairy. The veterinarian may request a blood smear test, which may reveal the presence of the Listeria monocytogenes organism under a microscope. However, if the feline is displaying evidence of neurological symptoms the veterinarian may be required to obtain cerebrospinal fluid for observation. The doctor may also ask for a urinary and fecal sample, as the bacterium is sometimes shed in the feline’s waste. 

Treatment of Listeriosis in Cats

The treatment of listeriosis in cats depends on the severity of the present symptoms and the individual feline. A feline that presents mild, flu-like symptoms may be prescribed a broad-spectrum antibiotic paired with medication to relieve gastrointestinal upset. In many cases, cats that are brought into the veterinary clinic present severe clinical signs of Listeria and likely require hospitalization. Early, aggressive antibiotic treatment is often the norm for Listeriosis patients. Common antibiotics administered include trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, amoxicillin, penicillin or ampicillin.

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Recovery of Listeriosis in Cats

The prognosis of listeriosis in cats depends greatly on the overall health of the feline, age, and evident symptoms. Felines with compromised immune systems, disease or other unstable health conditions are less likely to make a full recovery. Likewise, if the feline is an infant or elderly, the prognosis is rather grave. The overall prognosis for listeriosis in cats depends on early and aggressive therapeutic treatment by a veterinary professional. If a feline shows signs of neurological abnormalities or illness, such as encephalitis, the outcome may be fatal despite aggressive treatment.

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Listeriosis Questions and Advice from Veterinary Professionals

American Shorthair


6 Years

1 found this helpful

1 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
My cat recently ate some raw food that’s been recalled; maybe 5 ounces over the course of two days. We didn’t know of the recall until he’d already eaten it, and the food may have been contamined with Listeria bacteria. He’s in good health otherwise, and we’re planning on taking him to the vet this saturday. Should I bring this up at the appointment when he gets shots and get a broad antibiotic just to be safe, even though he’s showing no symptoms presently?

July 10, 2018

1 Recommendations

This is something just to mention as a side note to your Veterinarian, just because a food was recalled doesn’t mean it was definitely contaminated but some products in that batch may have been linked with some illness or shown up on quality testing. Regards Dr Callum Turner DVM

July 10, 2018

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8 Weeks

1 found this helpful

1 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Hi there! We have a little rescue kitten he'll be 8 weeks old this week. He's had just about every problem we can think of including tapeworms, ringworm, intestinal infection and fleas. We rescued him from a horrible, neglectful place 4 weeks ago and he was taken away from his mother at 3 weeks old. Things have been going really well this last week the tapeworm is gone the ringworm is clearing up and he's still on antibiotics until Friday. But today he had terrible terrible diarrhoea. The worst I've seen, it was everywhere. He has been vaccinated as well. Is there any advice for the diarrhoea you could give me?

March 6, 2018

1 Recommendations

There are many different causes of diarrhoea in kittens, but in Vigil’s case it may be due to a side effect of medication (he seems to have had a lot for a small man), dietary issues, another infection among many other issues. I would ensure that he is kept clean and monitor the diarrhoea over the next few days to see if there is any improvement (may resolve after completing treatment). Without examining him and doing faecal test etc… I cannot say what the specific cause is; make sure he is hydrated and visit your Veterinarian if there is no improvement. Regards Dr Callum Turner DVM

March 6, 2018

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