Nerve Disorder in Cats
Nerve Disorder in Cats - Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, Recovery, Management, Cost
What is Nerve Disorder?
Nerve disorders are disruptions in the function of a feline’s nervous system that can lead to physical and cognitive disorders in cats and can display themselves in different ways. This disruption can manifest itself via malfunctioning motor skills, delayed cognitive ability, and diminished reflexes.
The feline nervous system, which consists of the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves, transmits electric signals that are essential for the animal to function efficiently in its environment. 
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Symptoms of Nerve Disorder in Cats
Since the feline's nervous system controls all of its coordinated, conscious, automatic, and digestive responses, the symptoms presented by nerve disorders are varied and may include all of or some of the following:
  • Leg paralysis or weakness
  • Slow or no reflexes
  • Loss of muscle tone/muscle atrophy
  • Muscle tremors
Nerve disorders can also affect a feline's sensory capabilities. Symptoms of this would include:
  • Poor spatial orientation
  • Frequent loss of consciousness 
Disorders resulting from a failing autonomic nervous system would present symptoms such as:
  • Dry nose and mouth
  • Low tear production
  • Lower than normal heart rate
  • Poor or no anal reflex
Nerve disorders caused by an underactive thyroid gland may present symptoms including:
  • Facial paralysis
  • Dizziness
  • Paralysis of the voice box, throat, and esophagus
While there are other symptoms that might be an indication of a feline nerve disorder, the above-mentioned are some of the most common and would merit a visit to the veterinarian for a complete checkup.
Causes of Nerve Disorder in Cats
As uniquely designed as the feline nervous system is, there are factors that can lead to disorders. Four common factors are congenital abnormalities, trauma, tumors, and ear infections.
Congenital Abnormalities
Most common among these is hydrocephalus, also referred to as water on the brain. Spinal fluid will pool in certain parts of the brain, leading to abnormal physical appearance, abnormal behaviors, as well as seizures. A second congenital abnormality is malformation of nerves and spinal cord segments. This can lead to fecal and urinary incontinence.
If the feline is struck by an automobile or receives trauma, the spinal cord can be damaged and nerves can be torn. Signs of this type of trauma will include paralysis, urination and defecation issues, as well as a limp tail.
Lymphosarcoma is one of the most common forms of cancer that affects a feline's nervous system. This will cause tumors on the brain, spinal cord, and other organs. The prognosis varies based on the type of the tumor, its location, and the health of the cat.
Ear Infections
Whether the infection affects the inner ear or the middle ear, it can lead to a ruptured eardrum, spreading infection through the blood.
Diagnosis of Nerve Disorder in Cats
The first step your veterinarian will take is to get an accurate medical history of your feline, as well as do a general physical exam. They will perform a neurological exam designed to examine the cranial nerves and then will also examine your cat's reflexes and entire body.
During the examination of the cranial nerves, the veterinarian may test the mental activity, coordination, and reflexes of the head.
During the evaluation of your feline's gait, they will watch your cat as it runs, moves from side to side, and turns. Weakness, paralysis, stumbling, and loss of coordination will be monitored.
When examining the neck and front legs, the veterinarian may lift the cat's back legs to evaluate its ability to support its weight on the front legs. They may also position the front legs in an abnormal stance to determine how quickly the cat can correct its stance.
During the evaluation of the hind limbs and tail, the veterinarian will check abnormal posture, loss of feeling, hypersensitivity, as well as muscle loss around the torso and hind legs.
Additional tests may include analyzing the cerebrospinal fluid, blood tests, CT scan, and x-rays.
Treatment of Nerve Disorder in Cats
Once a diagnosis has been made, the appropriate therapy can be considered. Most care is given on an outpatient basis. Pharmaceutical options may include:
  • Anticonvulsants
  • Anti-inflammatory medications
  • Medication to relieve muscle spasms
Medication may be provided intravenously or orally, depending on the type of injury.
Felines that have brain tumors or head injuries may require cranial surgery. Medications may be used to reduce swelling in these instances.
Nursing care may be provided for paraplegic or quadriplegic animals. This would include manual feeding and manual flexing and massaging of the joints.
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Recovery of Nerve Disorder in Cats
It is important to understand that while veterinarians will do everything in their power to help a cat suffering with a nerve disorder to return to a full quality of life, there are some instances in which nerves will continue to deteriorate and the cat’s disease will worsen. Your veterinarian will determine what follow-up care you will need to provide on a case-by-case basis.
It is important that felines diagnosed with congenital nerve disorders not breed. It is advisable to neuter or spay a cat with these types of conditions to prevent accidental breeding.
Nerve Disorder Average Cost
From 302 quotes ranging from $500 - $3,000
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Nerve Disorder Questions and Advice from Veterinary Professionals
Five Months

11 found this helpful


11 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Wobbly Rear Gait
My cat is unbalanced, he’s wobbly, we took him to the vet and we were told it’s bc he’s constipated, but I’ve continually tried looking to see if that’s common with cats, but I couldn’t find anything, now I’m doubting my veterinarian and would just like second judgement:
Dec. 27, 2020
Answered by Dr. Linda S. MVB MRCVS
11 Recommendations
I agree that this is not a common occurrence with constipation. Perhaps if the constipation has made the cat very unwell and they have not been eating so are dehydrated and have low blood sugar? More commonly, we would be dealing with something like an inner ear infection, cerebellar ataxia or infection of the central nervous system. I would seek a 2nd opinion and consider having some tests run to get to the bottom of things.
Dec. 27, 2020
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Five Years

4 found this helpful


4 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Weakness In Legs
Jumped down off a counter and then sat frozen had weakness in hind legs...but is now fine and walking and has since eaten as well. Wondering if he could’ve pinched a nerve with the landing?
July 27, 2020
Answered by Dr. Michele K. DVM
4 Recommendations
Thank you for your question. Without being able to examine him, it is hard to say, but it is possible that he jumped down and landed badly and it hurt for a second, or he pinched a nerve and he's fine. If this continues to happen it would probably be best to have him seen by your veterinarian, as they can examine him, make sure his hip and knee confirmation is good, and let you know if there is anything that needs to be done. I hope that all goes well for him.
July 27, 2020
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long hair
12 Years

9 found this helpful


9 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Imbalance, Wobbly Gait
Imbalanced, Wobbly Gait
My elderly male cat recently had dental surgery - 5 teeth were taken out. He was under anaesthetic for 30 mins, no mouth gag etc, no heart or blood pressure issues. Post surgery has developed neurological issues, back legs weak, wobbly gait, now front leg is weak. Sleeps mostly. Vet is surprised at symptoms, he stayed overnight for two nights to be on fluids as he went off fluids but eats well - though I have had to feed him a few times (hand feed). It has been a week now. I'm thinking of acupuncture. They suggest MRI to get a full picture in case it's a blood clot from the surgery or some underlying issue..though its very expensive and I'm hoping home rest and acupuncture will help. Concern is if there is a blood clot...
Sept. 12, 2018
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Gray Tabby
18 Years

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1 found this helpful

My indoor cat is 18 and has been twitching once in a while. Today just suddenly he has weakness in his left back leg. It almost seems like it is giving out from under him. All else is normal with him, his eating, affection etc. He did however have trouble stepping in to the cat potty. He is walking, stairs etc.
Aug. 19, 2018
Answered by Dr. Michele K. DVM
1 Recommendations
Maceo may be having some problems with his nerves or muscles, or with arthritis. Since I can't see him, it would be a good idea tohave him seen by a veterinarian who can examine him and see what his problem is, and what treatment he might need to be comfortable.
Aug. 20, 2018
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10 Months

2 found this helpful


2 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Congested, Meowing,
Congested, Meowing, Wandering
My cat Charlie went missing for two days and came back quite ill. My vet said he has a nasty bacterial infection. He has received shots and is taking pills too. He was really congested and weak. The problem is I think he has nerve damage. His right leg slips a lot and the paw bends. There is no reflex happening. Charlie also never stops meowing. Its ANNOYING! My family and I don't know what to do. He wanders aimlessly and meows. Only when he sleeps and eats is when he is quiet. He also isn't interested in the other cats. Charlie always looks forward and doesn't seem to see or hear properly. If a sound is loud or catches him by surprise, then he freaks out. He also does have some issues with going to the bathroom. He delays it and has diarrhea . He doesn't run or jump. When he is on the couch he just lets himself slip down.
July 28, 2018
2 Recommendations
We cannot be sure what has happened to Charlie during those two days or if he sustained an injury, ate something nasty or something else occurred; for the time being try to keep him calm and rested but if this issue continues especially with the paw and loss of proprioception you should return to your Veterinarian. You should give the medication chance to work, but the loss of proprioception is concerning. Regards Dr Callum Turner DVM
July 29, 2018
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Maine Coon
8 Years

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0 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Has Limp Right Front Leg
My 8 year old male cat had a dental cleaning and surgery of his dorsal tail to remove a lesion which was NOT cancerous. Upon arriving home, I noticed a limp on the right front leg. It has been 2 and one half weeks post surgery. The limp of right front leg is still there? What are the side effects of a catherer to administer anesthesia for a more than one hour surgery and dental cleaning? And could the catherer cause damage and a permanent limp? I took him to doctor one week post surgery and she stated that it could be an injured nerve! And that the condition should eventually get better and go away. What are YOUR thought on this?? Thanks, Mrs. RLF
domestic short hair
12 Years

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1 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Limping, Crooked Gait
My cat has a crooked gait with his front legs (favors his front left leg) and recently began favoring his back right leg. All the vet told us was that he may have paralytic nerve damage and to give baby aspirin. That hasn’t really helped and I’m beginning to wonder what else we can do for him. He’s a stray, but he seems to be around 10-12 years old.
Nerve Disorder Average Cost
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