Weight Loss and Chronic Disease in Cats
Written By hannah hollinger
Published: 09/16/2016Updated: 12/22/2021
Veterinary reviewed by Michele K.
Weight Loss and Chronic Disease in Cats - Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, Recovery, Management, Cost
What is Weight Loss and Chronic Disease?
A cat that is losing weight, but still consuming food is likely affected by chronic disease. Your veterinarian may refer to this condition as cachexia, the term used to describe the wasting and weakness of one’s body due to chronic illness.
Any time a cat loses a significant amount of weight it is a reason to be concerned, as your cat’s body mass index greatly affects the functions of the body. Cats lose weight for a variety of reasons, and may be related to anorexia, or refusal to eat. Infestation of internal parasites, stress, anxiety, depression, a change in food and even moving to a new home can cause a feline to stop eating, leading to a dramatic decrease in body weight. Nevertheless, any cat that is losing more than 10% total body weight should be thoroughly examined by a veterinarian, especially if it is consuming food and still dropping pounds.
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Symptoms of Weight Loss and Chronic Disease in Cats
Weight loss is fairly easy to note in felines due to their petite stature. You may notice the hip bones, spine, and shoulder blades are now more prominent in your cat after losing weight. The skin may be loose and look a size too big for the body. Your feline’s fur might appear dull, brittle and may even fall out. Additional symptoms may also be noted depending on which chronic disease is causing the weight loss in the feline. 
Weight loss caused by chronic disease in cats can result in additional symptoms: 
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting 
  • Muscle wasting
  • Hair loss
  • Lack of appetite 
  • Abdominal pain
  • Fever
  • Jaundice (yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes) 
  • Lack of energy
  • Increased thirst (polydipsia) 
  • Dehydration 
  • Depression 
Causes of Weight Loss and Chronic Disease in Cats
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Inflammatory bowel disease is the term used when referring to a group of chronic gastrointestinal disorders, not just one single disease. However, the common denominator for each of these IBD conditions is that they are all caused by an infiltration of inflammatory cells, resulting in a thickened intestinal wall. The thick wall prevents the gastrointestinal tract from functioning properly, resulting in poor appetite, anorexia and, of course, weight loss. 
Gallbladder Disease
Gallbladder disease refers to a group of diseases with the common denominator being the gallbladder organ. Disease of the gallbladder could be gallbladder failure, gallbladder stones, gallbladder infection or cholecystitis (gallbladder inflammation). 
Liver Disease
Liver disease is known as hepatic lipidosis, or commonly known as fatty liver disease. Hepatic lipidosis is commonly found in starving cats, or those that refuse to eat, resulting in a low functioning organ. 
Pancreatic Disease
Pancreatic disease is a broad term used to describe an improperly functioning pancreas. However, pancreatitis is the inflammation of the pancreas and is a somewhat common exocrine pancreatic disease found in felines.  
Hyperthyroidism is the term used for when the thyroid gland produces more thyroid hormone than is needed in the body. 
Addison’s Disease 
Addison’s disease, or hypoadrenocorticism, is the term used to define an inadequate production of adrenal gland corticoids, aldosterone and cortisol. 
Diabetes is the inability to produce insulin, the hormone used to balance the body’s glucose levels. 
Diagnosis of Weight Loss and Chronic Disease in Cats
Weight loss can be caused by so many ailments, it’s important for you to know your cat. Any information that you can provide the veterinarian can help in the diagnostic process. Important answers to questions you should know in a weight loss case are primarily eating habits, energy levels and any recent injuries the cat might have sustained. 
After the veterinarian has discussed your feline’s recent behavior, eating habits and medical history, he or she is likely to conduct the following diagnostic exams: 
  • Physical examination 
  • Complete blood cell count (CBC)
  • Biochemistry profile: A biochemistry profile measures the components of blood, providing an overview of most bodily functions. It will determine the feline’s electrolyte levels, glucose levels, blood proteins, as well as the pancreatic, liver and kidney functions. 
  • Urinalysis: A urinalysis will determine the feline’s hydration status and kidney function. 
  • Fecal sample test
  • Abdominal ultrasound 
Treatment of Weight Loss and Chronic Disease in Cats
Treating weight loss associated with chronic disease depends on which disease the feline is affected by. Talk to your veterinarian about the appropriate treatment protocol for your cat’s specific condition. The veterinarian may recommend treating symptoms to encourage the feline to eat. Cats in a severe state may be hospitalized to receive intravenous fluids, medications and professional care. Your veterinarian may recommend the placement of what is commonly referred to as a “feeding tube” to provide the feline with nutrients. Types of feeding tubes include: 
  • Naso-gastric or Naso-esophageal tube (nasal tube)
  • Esophagostomy tube (esophageal tube) 
  • Gastrostomy tube (stomach tube) 
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Recovery of Weight Loss and Chronic Disease in Cats
A cat with weight loss and chronic disease can have a complete recovery with proper treatment and continuous monitoring. Weigh-ins and follow-ups are expected frequently. Follow your veterinarian’s treatment recommendation to the T. If you do not notice a change in your cat’s condition within the estimated time frame set by the veterinarian, contact him or her immediately. 
Weight loss can be symptomatic of a chronic disease. To avoid high vet care expenses, secure pet health insurance today. The sooner you insure your pet, the more protection you’ll have from unexpected vet costs.
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Weight Loss and Chronic Disease Questions and Advice from Veterinary Professionals
American shorthair
Fourteen Years

25 found this helpful


25 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Vomiting Diarrhea
Cat chronic diarrhea and vomiting labs good weighs 7.4 lbs
Sept. 29, 2020
Answered by Dr. Michele K. DVM
25 Recommendations
Thank you for your question. Possible causes for what you are describing might be a food intolerance or allergy, or intestinal disease. Your cat may need further testing, x-rays or ultrasound, or a limited antigen diet. Those are all things that you can talk about with your veterinarian, as they can help figure out what is going on with your cat. I hope that all goes well.
Oct. 4, 2020
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6 found this helpful


6 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Extreme Weight Loss, Diarrhea, Vomiting
I know he is old, but he seems so happy. He meets me at the door, he sleeps next to me, he meows for food when I am eating, he eats his food both dry and vet, drinks plenty of water, sleeps. He has never been one to play, but today he threw up and he was going at it so hard when he was gagging he pooped liquid. When I was washing him off his back legs were just limp. Now he is lying next to me under his blanket and is just staring off into space. I am heading home next weekend and have an appointment with the vet, but I am so afraid he won’t make it until then. :( What’s wrong?
July 17, 2020
Answered by Jessica N. DVM
6 Recommendations
Hello- Thank you for reaching out. I agree that your cats symptoms are worrisome. I do think it would be a good idea to take him to a veterinarian today in your new location or to a veterinary ER to be evaluated. I understand that he is likely dehydrated and weak from the chronic diarrhea and now vomiting. Your veterinarian can perform blood work to assess the underlying cause. In geriatric cats it could be something such as hyperthyroidism or organ dysfunction or even more commonly inflammatory bowel disease or potentially G.I. lymphoma. Please bring a stool sample with you to be checked. I hope he feels better soon.
July 17, 2020
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Grey striped tabby
4 Years

8 found this helpful


8 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
See Above
My four year old male, neutered cat has lack of or no appetite for two weeks, weight loss, dull fur, vomits small amounts of yellow liquid one to three times a day and is isolating himself. We’ve tried Vaseline, 2.5 mg Pepsid and chamomile and peppermint tea. He is not getting better.
Aug. 11, 2018
Answered by Dr. Michele K. DVM
8 Recommendations
If this problem has been going on for 2 weeks and is not improving, Yoda needs to see a veterinarian. He may have an intestinal blockage or a systemic disease, and he'll need to be examined to determine what might be going on with him and how best to treat him. I hope that he is okay.
Aug. 11, 2018
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Japanese Bobtail
10 Years

1 found this helpful


1 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Low Urine Production
Loosing Weight
Pain When Lifted
Not Moving
Ventroflextion Of The Head
Low Potassium
Unkempt Coat
My 10 year old Japanese bobtail mix suddenly stopped eating when she’s always been a very healthy eater. She lost 1lb of weight in 12 days. She was holding her head down, seemed to not be aware or see us and was doing a weird sort of move while walking (like sort of a drag & pop with her hind feet) After seeing 6 different vets including an internal and neurological no one has any real answers. She’s been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism but it apparently does not explain her ck levels being 15,400 and after 24h on iv fluids 19,645. Her potassium is also low at 3.1. She’s still not eating, but initially after coming home from the hospital she was purring, rubbing and talking, seemed happy to interact with us. 48 hours later and she is hiding under the bed, doesn’t want to be touched or even talked to, seems as if one of her back legs isn’t working, hasn’t gone to the litter box or voluntarily eaten (I fed her with a syringe a mix of high calorie vitamins and prescription food mixed with kitten milk supplement). She’s being treated empirically for toxoplasmosis, since they believe this is the likely culprit. She is strictly indoor only! I’ve had her since she was 9m old, she was a stray I adopted. She had upper respiratory when I adopted her, but beyond that she’s never had any issues. Her ultrasound says “largely unremarkable with fluid and ingests noted distal to the stomach”
Dec. 17, 2017
Answered by Dr. Michele K. DVM
1 Recommendations
Eileen, thank you for contacting us about Boop - I'm sorry that she is having so many troubles. Without examining her, it is difficult to comment on what might be going on with her, but it sounds like you have consulted with experts in her care. The best thing for her would be for you to follow up with your veterinarian, as they know the full details of her case and are the best people to give her continued care. You should continue to feed her with the syringed food until she starts eating again, as that is a dramatic weight loss in 12 days. I sincerely hope that your veterinary team is able to arrive at a diagnosis, or make her feel better and start eating in the meantime. I don't know what medications she is on, but there is an appetite stimulant, Mirtazapine, that may help - you would need to talk to your veterinarian about adding that to her treatment plan.
Dec. 17, 2017
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Not sure
13 Years

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0 found this helpful

My cat is losing weight and I have been told she may have mammary cancer. She has not been given any medication and I have not received an actual diagnosis. She is eating but always seems to want more food from my plate and not her food. She is also vomiting up lots of hairball with a yellow liquid. She also had gotten into the garbage and has taken raw meat from the counter. Could she have gotten sick from this or could it be she actually has cancer? What can I do for her?
Dec. 11, 2017
0 Recommendations
If Suzie has mammary cancer, it would be evident on a physical examination of the mammary glands; eating from the rubbish bin or consuming raw or spoiled meat may cause some gastrointestinal symptoms or even an obstruction or she ate a non food item. Without examining Suzie, I cannot tell you with any certainty what the underlying cause is but you should speak with your Veterinarian about the loss of appetite, try giving her a hairball remedy and trying her with a different more appetising food. Regards Dr Callum Turner DVM
Dec. 11, 2017
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