When a cat ingests a toxin, the first course of action should be to contact the vet for advice. In almost all cases where the cat ate the toxicant recently, it's desirable to induce vomiting to void it from the stomach. Then activated charcoal may be given to mop up any toxicant left lining the gut. However, the best course of action depends on what the cat ate, so professional assessment is essential.
In addition, the vet will assess if the cat is dehydrated or not. There is an increased risk of high blood sodium levels if activated charcoal is given to severely dehydrated cats. In the latter circumstances the vet will put the cat on intravenous fluids.
Activated charcoal is given by mouth. Since most cats are fussy about food, it is unlikely they will voluntarily eat charcoal mixed in a feed. Instead, it may be slowly syringed into the cat's mouth giving her a chance to swallow each mouthful. If, however, the cat is semi-conscious, then this must not be done as there is a risk of inhaling the liquid charcoal into the lungs. Should this be the case the vet may pass a stomach tube, to give the medication directly into the stomach.
Repeat doses may be necessary every 4 to 8 hours, for 24 hours or so, depending on how much toxicant the cat ingested.