The necrosis of your dog’s body tissues is considered progressive. Your dog will need to be kept in the hospital at a warm temperature until the disease is no longer in the progressive state. Supportive therapies will be in response to the symptoms your dog is experiencing. If there is necrosis on the tip of the tail or the feet, your veterinarian may suggest amputation.
When ready to go home, it is imperative you keep your dog in a warm environment at all times to prevent relapse of this condition. If you live in a cold environment and have to take him outdoors, it is recommended he have a sweater, foot protection, and other items to keep him warm. As soon as you bring him back inside, it is crucial you ensure his entire body gets back to normal temperature, including the tips of his ears, feet, and tail.
If your dog is suffering from any type of secondary skin issue, it will need to be treated properly. If your dog is anemic, your veterinarian will treat it is well with medications, therapies, and supplements. Any other symptoms your dog is experiencing will be treated as your veterinarian sees fit.