Kidney Inflammation Due to Fluid Accumulation in Dogs
What is Kidney Inflammation Due to Fluid Accumulation?
There are several different reasons why a dog’s kidneys can accumulate fluid. Kidney inflammation due to fluid accumulation in dogs can occur very commonly in older dogs, but can also affect younger dogs, depending on the type of inflammation. This can happen over time, as in chronic kidney disease or very suddenly, as in an acute kidney inflammation or injury.
Kidney inflammation due to fluid accumulation in dogs occurs when fluid builds up within or around the kidneys. This can be caused by several different disorders, and must be treated for the kidneys to function properly. Abnormal fluid retention can be life-threatening and must be addressed as soon as possible.
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Symptoms of Kidney Inflammation Due to Fluid Accumulation in Dogs
Even though inflammation of the kidneys due to fluid accumulation can come from several causes, the symptoms are consistent across all instances. Symptoms include:
  • Excessive thirst
  • Abdominal pain
  • High urine output
  • Poor appetite
  • Vomiting
  • Lethargy
  • Diarrhea
  • Constipation
  • Weight loss
  • Malaise
  • Depression
  • Restlessness
  • Circling
  • Head pressing
  • Blood in the urine
There are different types of kidney inflammation due to fluid accumulation in dogs, and each of them must have a veterinarian’s attention or they can become quite serious. Types of this inflammation with fluid accumulation include:
  • Perirenal pseudocysts, or is a cyst-like structure of fluid that has accumulated around the kidney 
  • Hydronephrosis , which is caused by an obstruction to the kidney, such as kidney stones, a tumor, trauma, after a surgery of the ureter, or after radiotherapy
  • Hypernatremia, or a high sodium content in the kidneys which can cause inflammation and fluid build-up
Causes of Kidney Inflammation Due to Fluid Accumulation in Dogs
The causes of inflammation of the kidneys can vary, depending on the specific disorder.  Causes of kidney inflammation due to fluid accumulation include:
  • Age
  • Ingestion of toxins
  • Kidney stones (blockage)
  • Infection
  • Congenital
Diagnosis of Kidney Inflammation Due to Fluid Accumulation in Dogs
When diagnosing a dog for inflammation of the kidneys, being aware of the symptoms can greatly help you communicate to the veterinarian before any testing occurs. The veterinarian will conduct blood tests, which will accurately reveal if kidney inflammation or disease is apparent, its severity, and what has caused it. It will check for amounts of creatinine to determine the rate of filtration and the blood urea nitrogen to see if proteins are being filtered rather than accumulating in the blood. A blood test also checks for phosphorus and calcium amounts, as well as anemia. 
A urinalysis will also be taken, which will reveal the level of urine concentration, a protein test to see if any protein amounts are getting lost in the urine, and a sediment test to test all of the particles of the urine.  All of these urine tests will tell the veterinarian a great deal about what is precisely happening to cause any inflammation and fluid retention in the kidneys.
Different types of imaging techniques may be performed so the veterinarian can take a closer look at the kidneys.  A radiograph will allow the medical professional to see the size and overall shape of the kidneys, an excretory urography, or intravenous pyelography, is used to watch dye which is injected into the vein and filtered through the kidneys, and an ultrasonography is performed to check the kidney density.  A biopsy may also be taken to check for cancer or more specific diseases as well.
Treatment of Kidney Inflammation Due to Fluid Accumulation in Dogs
Treatment for inflammation of the kidneys due to fluid accumulation is dependent on the actual diagnosis. Once your dog is seen by the veterinarian and diagnosed, he will be given fluids and antibiotics until full diagnostic treatment is finished. 
Your dog will be given the fluid and electrolytes to counteract the loss that has occurred from the inflammation and may need intravenous fluid therapy for up to six hours. There are several different forms of treatment, and can include:
Surgical Intervention
If the dog has perirenal pseudocysts, the fluid will need to be surgically drained from the cyst, or capsule, around the kidneys.
If there is hydronephrosis from a blocked kidney the obstruction will need to be removed as soon as it can be done. This will need to be accomplished with a cystostomy, which is an opening created into the bladder via a tube. This will be done by surgical means.
Renal disease caused by the inflammation of the kidneys due to the accumulation of fluids, in rare instances, may require surgical intervention if the kidney must be removed. This usually occurs if there is cancer or another disease that is causing the severe inflammation.
Shock Wave Procedure
If kidney stones are present, the veterinarian may elect to perform shock wave lithotripsy. This procedure is an alternative to surgery and uses shock waves to break up any kidney stones into tiny particles. This will allow them to successfully pass.
Ureteral stents have also been used experimentally in dogs. These are hollow, plastic tubes that are surgically placed between the kidney and the bladder, functioning to hold the ureter open to allow normal drainage of urine.

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Recovery of Kidney Inflammation Due to Fluid Accumulation in Dogs
After the treatment of this disorder, regular veterinarian visits are necessary to be sure the treatment was effective. The veterinarian will recommend how often these check-ups need to occur. In addition to the veterinarian visits, you will need to keep a watchful eye for any symptoms, such as increased water intake due to excessive thirst, loss of appetite or weight, and any blood in the urine.
Kidney Inflammation Due to Fluid Accumulation Average Cost
From 367 quotes ranging from $1,500 - $6,000
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Kidney Inflammation Due to Fluid Accumulation Questions and Advice from Veterinary Professionals
Saint Bernard Mix
Nine Years

0 found this helpful

0 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Bloated Abdomen
Approximately what symptoms am I looking for when my dog has fluid build up around her kidneys. I want my dog Zoli to be comfortable in her latter days. With fluid around her kidneys, about how much time should we plan for?
Sept. 28, 2020
Answered by Dr. Michele K. DVM
0 Recommendations
Thank you for your question. Without knowing more about her situation, unfortunately, I can't really answer these questions for you. Every animal reacts differently to things, and how she will do depends on how severe her disease is, and why that is happening. The best thing to do would be to call your veterinarian and ask those questions, as they know more about her specific situation, and will be able to help answer those things for you. I hope that she is able to stay comfortable for as long as possible!
Oct. 4, 2020
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German Shepherd
7 Years

0 found this helpful

0 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Do Not Eat Food On Her Own,
Can Not Walk
Urine Pass Only Once A Day
hI, my dog is suffering from kidney failure, German shepherd dog, age is 7years and her current weight is 16.390kgs. current my vet surgeon is giving saline to my dog more than 6 hours time. sodium chloride and glucose included in those fluids. and four to six injections are giving, do not know what it is. her BUN count is around 300, 11 days back. hemoglobin count is around 3.00, put assist me to get my dog recovered. do not what to do to save her life.
July 26, 2017
0 Recommendations
Kidney failure may be caused by a variety of different conditions including poisoning, trauma, blood clots, infection, muscle damage, dehydration etc… When dealing with cases of kidney failure, it is important to determine and treat the underlying cause (if possible) as well as giving supportive care. Regards Dr Callum Turner DVM
July 26, 2017
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