The most visible sign of myiasis is unmistakable. The small, white larva of a fly will be present on the broken skin of the dog, and most often will be wriggling and moving. Sometimes the dog’s fur obscures the wound, particularly with long, matted fur. Miniscule sticky, white eggs can often be found on the fur of the afflicted animal. A dog with untreated myiasis will develop a foul, decaying smell as the maggots secrete an enzyme that necrotizes healthy skin tissues. In severe cases, they may lose their appetite as well as becoming lethargic and depressed.
- Foul smell
- Visisble larvae on skin
- Lethargy
This type of infestation is caused by an infestation of maggots, which is the larval stage of the growth of many flies. Pre-existing wounds and skin damage are susceptible to this type of infestation, and many maggots will be present with this type of infestation and it can lead to necrosis and additional infections.
With cuterebriasis, the infestation is actually by the grub of a fly in the Cuterebra family. The female of the Cuterebra fly, also known as the botfly, lays her eggs on the ground near the homes of rodents such as rats or rabbits. They burrow into their host and grow until they emerge a month later. These grubs can be found either singly or in small groups, but are not generally found in the large number that the maggots of blowflies are.