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- Avoiding familiar areas
- Barking
- Fear urination during greetings
- Hiding
- Hypervigilance
- Out of proportion aggressive behaviors
- Shaking or trembling
- Shying away from people
- Unwarranted stress reaction
- Tail down or between legs
- Ears back
- Dilated pupils
- Lowered body
- Rapid breathing
- Abuse - Severe or chronic abuse can lead to cases of PTSD
- Accident - Accidents such as car accidents or hunting accidents may also trigger PTSD responses in canines
- Attack - Attacks by other animals can trigger PTSD to develop.
- Natural disasters - Natural disasters often leave many dogs stranded and separated from their human family members.
- Military or police careers - Dogs that are returning from military or police service, sniffing out bombs and tracking down criminals, may develop PTSD; humans in these career fields may also develop PTSD
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