Silver Jade Poisoning in Dogs
What is Silver Jade Poisoning?
Succulents are a popular plant to have in homes, offices, and businesses due to their easy care regimen. The silver jade is one of these plants that also produce a blooming flower in a star shape of pinkish-white. In most cases, when ingested by a dog it leads to mild gastrointestinal upset that can be easily treated with supportive therapies. Thankfully, there have not been any reports of serious toxicosis from silver jade ingestion by a dog. Prognosis for a full recovery of your dog is good, but if you think he ingested this plant, it is still a good idea to take him to the veterinarian to get him evaluated.
Silver jade is an easy to care for succulent many people enjoy having in and around their homes. If your dog ingested a piece of this plant, he may experience mild nausea and stomach upset. It is recommended you contact your veterinarian any time your pet ingests a potentially noxious plant.
Silver Jade Poisoning Average Cost
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Symptoms of Silver Jade Poisoning in Dogs
Symptoms of silver jade poisoning in dogs can vary from case to case. Toxicity symptoms may include:
  • Drooling
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting 
If your dog has any health issues prior to ingestion of the silver jade plant, he may or may not develop other symptoms as well. 
The silver jade plant belongs to the Crassulaceae family with the scientific name of Crassula arborescens. It is a branched succulent that can grow up to 4 feet tall. The leaves are fat, rounded, and silver-gray with maroon around the edges.  The silver jade plant is also commonly known as the silver dollar plant and Chinese jade plant.
Causes of Silver Jade Poisoning in Dogs
The toxin the silver jade plant produces in unknown. In most dogs, when ingested it causes gastrointestinal upset. There have been no reported cases of death due to silver jade ingestion since the toxin typically causes mild side effects only. However, there is always the possibility your dog may experience more severe symptoms than previously reported and require more intensive therapies.
Diagnosis of Silver Jade Poisoning in Dogs
When you take your dog to the veterinarian, she will begin by performing a physical exam. Vitals will be taken and abnormalities will be noted; this is the beginning of the diagnostic process. Blood work and other lab work may be performed to diagnose any internal damage. A complete blood count (CBC), chemistry panel, and packed cell volume (PCV) will provide the veterinarian with data as to how the organs are filtering the blood. A urinalysis may also be performed for further assessment of the kidneys. 
If your pet ingested a large amount of the plant, he may begin vomiting. If he doesn’t, the veterinarian may decide to induce vomiting to help rid your dog’s body of the plant matter. 
If you believe your dog ingested this plant, take it with you to the clinic. She will be able to examine the plant for evidence of ingestion, and research the toxic effects of this particular plant in order to determine the cause of your dog’s symptoms.
Treatment of Silver Jade Poisoning in Dogs
Your veterinarian may induce vomiting in your dog to expel any remaining plant particles from his stomach. If the vomit is clear and unsuccessful at producing any plant remnants, she may administer activated charcoal to bind and absorb the toxin before the body does. The main objective is to prevent further absorption of the toxin to prevent worsening of symptoms and to detoxify his system.
If your dog seems to be in distress or is declining in health, fluid therapy will be started to flush the toxin from your dog’s body quickly and efficiently. Fluid therapy will also correct and prevent any degree of dehydration your dog may be suffering due to excessive vomiting. The veterinarian may add electrolytes or vitamins to the fluids as a boost to your dog’s immune system. Additional supportive therapies will be administered according to your dog’s needs.

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Recovery of Silver Jade Poisoning in Dogs
Toxicity from the silver jade plant may be considered mild to moderate depending on your dog’s reaction. Since most dogs only suffer gastrointestinal upset, prognosis for a full recovery is good. If your dog has any health conditions prior to ingestion of the silver jade plant, prognosis for a full recovery may decline, but with supportive care, he should still recovery very well.
To prevent any of this from happening, educate yourself on what plants you bring in and around your home. Since the silver jade plant is a native succulent in many regions, do not let your pet stop and chew on unknown plants when out for walks.
Silver Jade Poisoning Average Cost
From 409 quotes ranging from $200 - $800
Average Cost
Silver Jade Poisoning Average Cost
From 409 quotes ranging from $200 - $800
Average Cost

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