How to Wash a Dog's Bum

5 - 15 Minutes
1 Day


There are many wonderful things to be said about having a long-haired dog like Cody. He looks beautiful when his coat is nice and clean. For the most part, he manages to stay relatively clean and only needs a bath every three months or so. 

That is, all except his bum, which he can't wipe for himself. So when it gets dirty, guess whose job it is to clean up the mess? One way to keep the hair around his bum from getting dirty every time Cody poops is to keep the hair around his anus trimmed back

Dog's Perspective

Cody really doesn't care whether his bum has poop on it or not, unless the buildup is making him itch. In which case, you'll probably see him doing the "Butt Scootin' Boogie" on your carpets. However, if you don't keep the area clean, not only will it look unseemly, it can also lead to medical issues. 

If you need help keeping your dog looking their best, book a Grooming service with a Pet Caregiver near you today.

The Quick Wash Method

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Head into the bathroom
Start out by bringing Cody into the bathroom and closing the door. If he doesn't like having you messing with his bum, you may need to restrain him or have an assistant help you to hold him in place. You may also consider using a leash for this.
Prep yourself
Prepare yourself by running a sink of warm water with a small amount of shampoo. You can then put on a pair of rubber gloves to protect yourself from Cody's fecal matter or any other dirt or debris that may be around his rear.
Washcloth first
Soak a washcloth in the soapy water and gently work through the hair around his bum to remove the fecal matter stuck there. This may take a few passes and some extra care to get any particularly stubborn debris free from the fur.
Bath next
If you can't get all the poop out of the hair around his bum using a washcloth, your next step will be to give him a bath. Using plenty of shampoo and warm water, work your gloved fingers through the hair, gently removing all traces of feces from his coat.
Shave and a haircut
If all of the above methods fail, the only other option you have is to use shears or clippers to remove the hair and with it, all traces of feces, leaving behind a clean bum. Be especially cautious when cutting hair around this area, as you don't want to cause any nicks or cuts in such a sensitive place.
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The Lift and Peek Method

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Lift and peek
First, you need to lift Cody's tail up so you can see the extent of feces buildup in his coat. Make note of anything that might blend in with the color of his fur and may be difficult to see. You may also need to feel around with fingers to find anything hidden in long hair.
Damp washcloth
Using a damp washcloth, remove as much of the poop from his fur as you can. This may take quite a bit of time as he may have some matter that is difficult to remove if it is not damp enough.
Dry thoroughly
Using a soft towel, dry the area thoroughly. Be sure to pat the area down rather than rubbing or wiping, as this can cause irritation. He may wiggle around and not allow you to do this, so be patient.
Comb time
Comb through the hair around his rear to remove any fine particles left behind. This can also help to detangle any mats which trap fecal matter and other debris much more easily.
Trim back the hair
To keep this from becoming a recurring problem, be sure to keep the hair in this area trimmed short and back away from the anus. You may need to seek a professional groomer if you're worried about any incidents occuring with the scissors or clippers in this area.
Daily wiping
You should wash or wipe his bum on a daily basis to keep it clean or at the least once a week. Special canine wipes can be used, or you can use a simple damp washcloth to do the trick. Reward him with treats throughout any wiping to get him adjusted to it.
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Caution & Considerations

  • Never use any type of soap or shampoo made for humans as those products contain ingredients that may be harmful to Cody. Using these products, especially around the bum or rear, may cause significant irritation or burning if they contain certain chemicals. 
  • Use a pair of sharp shears to trim the hair around his bum so you don't snag the hair and rip it out of this very sensitive area. If necessary, consult a professional groomer for tips and tricks to keeping this area trimmed and clean cut. 
  • Make sure your scissors or shears have rounded safety-tips to avoid poking him.
  • Take your time and be gentle. Cody is already not happy that you have to mess around with his bum in the first place. Being rough will only make it worse.
  • If you have to comb the area, wetting it down will make it easier. Use a bit of warm water to prevent shocking him with water that is too cold or hot. 
  • This is also a good time to express his anal glands as you are in the vicinity already. 


No one really enjoys wiping their pet's bum after they poop, but this is the first step in keeping the area nice and clean. The rest is all about catching the problem before it gets too big. Take your time, be gentle, and it will all be over in less than 15 minutes. When you are all done, be sure to give your dog a treat and let them know they're a good pup. 

Sick and tired of tackling those messy and unpleasant grooming jobs? Book a Grooming service with a Pet Caregiver near you on the Wag! app today.

Success Stories and Grooming Questions

Grooming Questions & Answers

Shih Tzu
7 Years
2 found helpful
2 found helpful
Shih Tzu
7 Years

We rescued Teddy 2-3wks ago. We took him to get groomed but he wouldn’t let the groomer clean his teeth or cut his face. He has a piece of poop attached to his bum but he wont let us clean it without him getting mildly aggressive. Is there anyway to get it off without harming him by restraining him.

Darlene Stott
Darlene Stott
Dog Trainer and Groomer
0 Dog owners recommended

Congratulations on your new dog and I am sure cute Teddy knows he is a lucky pup! Will Teddy let you trim the area carefully? Try having someone hold him and give him treats (or you could stand him on a table, with someone holding him and slowly giving him a treat). Then the person on the other end does a quick snip of the fur. The other option is to try and soften it with a dog-safe wipe over the day, and then pop him in the tub. Or, you can try a waterless shampoo that might work to soften and remove the poop (available at pet stores). As for his visits to the groomer, try to find a groomer who will start with mini visits and even visits to say hello (where just a treat is involved). This will allow Teddy to get used the groomer slowly. You can also seek out a groomer used to working with nervous and mildly aggressive dogs - they usually have tricks for keeping the dog calm and making the visit go quickly. Ask the vet for a recommendation. Good luck and enjoy your new dog!

How did you get the hard feces off of your dog's anus area? My dog now has the same problem and the fur is in it also.

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terrior mix
15 Years
1 found helpful
1 found helpful
terrior mix
15 Years

Yesterday I noticed a round hard piece of feces fur ball around my dogs anus but he doesn't let me cut it off. Is there anything that I can put over it to dissolve the hard feces. He always would have a BM after eating now suddenly the hard fur feces ball is there!

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