The Scott Complex Dog Park is a special sectioned off area of the Roger Scott Athletics Complex in Pensacola, Florida. Ample vehicle parking is available for visitors in the Complex's main lot. It's a fairly popular dog park which tends to get busier in the afternoons rather than early morning. They open at sunup and close at 9pm seven days a week.
While the Scott Complex Dog Park is an off-leash dog park, all dogs must be kept on a leash until inside the designated off-leash zone which is behind the tennis courts. The dog park is an open-air, one-acre sized patch of ground cordoned off from the main park area by secure head high, chain link fencing. It is surfaced with a combination of grass, bark chippings and sandy dirt. There is a small separate area for dogs that weigh less than twenty-five pounds.
There are tall, mature trees throughout the Scott Complex Dog Park area which offer shade on sunny days and an escape route for the well-chased squirrels who inhabit the park. The park may be closed on occasion when there has been heavy rainfall as the ground can become water-logged and unsuitable for use. Seating for pet owners is provided by benches around the perimeter and under the trees. There are also several picnic tables.
The site is well maintained. Pet owners are expected to clean up after their dogs. Poop bags are usually available, though it's a good idea to take some more in case the supply has run out, and there are various designated bins for the disposal of dog feces. Water fountains have been installed, for dogs and humans, as well as a canine orientated vending machine.
New visitors to the Scott Complex Dog Park should be aware of the dog park's close proximity to Pensacola Airport. For pets unaccustomed to sudden loud sounds, the noise from airplanes flying overhead can be stressful or frightening until they get used to it.