Fixation of surgical plates may be external or internal to the joint, depending on the type of damage or disease, and what method will be most effective. A variety of different size plates are available and the correct size needs to be selected in order for fixation to be successful. Radiographs taken prior to surgery will be used to plan the surgical procedure and to address the approach and plates to be used.
Prior to surgery, you will be required to fast your dog so as not to cause complications with the administration of general anesthetic. Your dog will be sedated, given intravenous anesthetic and then intubated and anesthesia maintained by gas. The area to be incised on the tibia and tarsal joints is shaved and antiseptically cleaned prior to incision. Surgical drapes are used to maintain a sterile surgical site. An incision is made from the tibial area to the metatarsal joint. Subcutaneous tissues are cut away to expose muscles and ligaments that are then moved aside with the use of retractors. Joint capsules are destroyed or repairs made to bone and soft tissue as required. Bone grafts are used to fill joint spaces and achieve bone fusion. Specialized surgical plates are affixed with surgical screws to the tibia, tarsus, and metatarsus as required to fix the joint. Incisions are closed and a splint bandage may be used to support the leg and joint. Your dog will be assisted while they recover from anesthetic and administered supportive care as necessary.