Pyometra in Cats
Pyometra in Cats - Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, Recovery, Management, Cost
What is Pyometra?
If left untreated, the infection can spread to other parts of the body or rupture the uterus. Both types of pyometra can be fatal, so it’s important to bring your cat into a veterinarian as soon as you spot the symptoms.
Pyometra is a bacterial infection that occurs in the uterus of a cat. Infections occur in sexually intact female cats after they have been in heat. If your cat has pyometra, you may notice a change in her drinking and urinating habits, or the presence of vaginal discharge.
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Symptoms of Pyometra in Cats
Pyometra is a very serious, life-threatening health condition that requires immediate medical attention. If you spot any symptoms of pyometra, take your cat to a veterinarian as soon as possible. Symptoms may include:
  • Loss of appetite
  • Vaginal discharge
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Diarrhea
  • Vomiting
  • High fever
  • Weight loss
  • Frequent urination
  • Excessive thirst
There are two types of this condition: 
  • Open: Pus drains out of the cat’s vagina.
  • Closed: Pus is held inside the uterus by a closed cervix. 
Causes of Pyometra in Cats
This condition occurs after a period of estrus or “heat”, when progesterone hormones stay at an elevated level in your cat’s body. The cat’s uterine lining will begin to prepare for a potential pregnancy by becoming thick. If no pregnancy occurs, the lining is supposed to thin out again, but some cats will begin to experience abnormal cystic growth instead. This creates an ideal environment for bacteria to grow, and when it does, the result is pyometra, which is an infection of the uterus. 
Every sexually intact female cat is at risk of developing pyometra, however, those who are taking progesterone-based drugs to treat another condition are at a higher risk.
Diagnosis of Pyometra in Cats
If you spot any of the symptoms of pyometra, bring your cat to a veterinarian immediately. Describe the symptoms you have observed, when they began, and tell your vet whether your cat is spayed or not. You should also let the vet know when your cat’s last heat cycle was, since this condition only develops after a period of heat. 
Basic tests such as a complete blood count and blood chemistry profile test may be performed at the beginning of the examination. These tests will show the vet your cat has an elevated level of white blood cells, which indicates an infection is present in the body.
There are two types of pyometra: open and closed. If your cat has open pyometra, there will be vaginal discharge that will help the vet make a quick diagnosis of the condition. However, cats with closed pyometra do not have discharge, as it is kept inside the uterus by a closed cervix. The vet will most likely need to perform an X-ray of the lower abdomen to spot the enlarged uterus and make a diagnosis. A vaginal exam may also be performed so the vet can check the area for abnormalities.
Treatment of Pyometra in Cats
Regardless of whether the pyometra is open or closed, the vet will recommend that your cat be spayed to treat this condition. Spaying a cat involves surgically removing the sexual organs, including the uterus and ovaries. Your cat may need IV fluids prior to the surgery in order to stabilize her condition. Antibiotics will most likely be given after the surgery to ensure the infection does not return or spread to other parts of the body.
If your cat is needed for breeding purposes, the vet may be able to offer an alternative treatment to spaying. Hormones will be administered that cause the uterus to contract and the cervix to open so the pus is able to drain out of the uterus. The vet will then be able to culture the bacteria to determine which antibiotics should be administered. Cats may experience side effects from this treatment, including nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Spaying is usually the preferred method of treatment, so this method is only used if breeding is absolutely necessary.
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Recovery of Pyometra in Cats
As long as your cat receives treatment before the uterus ruptures or the infection spreads, she should make a full recovery from pyometra. However, you will need to closely watch her once she is home to ensure she is not experiencing the same symptoms you first noticed. 
Be sure to carefully follow your vet’s instructions and administer all medications as needed. Missing just a single dose of an antibiotic can lead to a major setback in your cat’s health. 
If your cat went through surgery, keep her as clean as possible so no bacteria makes its way into the incision. You will need to bring your cat back to the vet for a follow-up and to have the stitches removed. If your cat did not have surgery, she will still need to return to the vet so he can see if the uterus is healing as it should be.
Pyometra Average Cost
From 535 quotes ranging from $500 - $2,500
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Pyometra Questions and Advice from Veterinary Professionals
Six Years

15 found this helpful


15 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Redness Discharge From Vagina
Is the only diagnosis pyometra when a cat is spayed nut leaking a clear odorless doscharge from her vagina?
Aug. 4, 2020
Answered by Dr. Michele K. DVM
15 Recommendations
Thank you for your question. Spayed cats tend not to get uterine infections, as most of their uterus has been removed. It is possible but not common. More likely, she has an infection with her bladder or urinary tract, if you are noticing a discharge. It would be best to have your cat seen by a veterinarian, as they can examine her, take samples if needed, and see what might be going on so that they can get treatment for her. I hope that all goes well for her.
Aug. 4, 2020
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4 Years

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15 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
I have a 4 year old cat that just had surgery yesterday for pyometra. I am certain some level of pain is to be anticipated but what should I watch out for? She is eating and drinking if I put her by the bowls and she has been to the litter box a few times during the day. But she is mostly just laying on her side. Should I go back to her vet and ask them for something for pain? She is on antibiotics for the next week or so as well.
April 25, 2018

Answered by Dr. Michele K. DVM
15 Recommendations
If Derpy is not on any pain medications, it is definitely indicated after a surgery like that. Cats are commonly sent home with a medication of some type - it would be best to call your clinic and ask about pain medication to make sure that she is on something. I hope that she is okay.
April 25, 2018
My four year old cat just came out of heat last week and she is not spayed. She has a discharge now that is clear with bit of blood in it could it be Pyometrs
May 28, 2018
Ann H.
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Tommie Tigerino
1 Year

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4 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Had Kittens Jan. 4
Gave Birth 1-4-18, Loose Bowel Mov/
My cat had kittens Jan. 4, she has had loose bowels/diarrhea since early in the pregnancy. I took her to the vet. She took blood and stool. The only thing that was wrong is high white count. Why is this pyometra? No discharge, she's eating like a pig, her abdomen is not distended, she seems alright. I do not want to take a chance, but how do I know. It us a lot if money in a fixed income.
March 5, 2018

Answered by Dr. Michele K. DVM
4 Recommendations
Thank you for your email. WIthout more details about Tommie, i cannot comment on why your veterinarian believes that she has a pyometra. They may be absolutely right. It would be a good idea to ask your veterinarian what is going on with her, and why they are recommending the treatment that they are. I hope that she is okay.
March 6, 2018
I got a cat just two months ago and I just don't know how old is she. Since it is my first time, i don't have any idea about spay. Last night, there is a yellowish white fluid or i think it is a pus since it has a bad smell discharged from the vulva of my cat. I thought she was laboring since she have like a bump in her stomach. Until next day, i thought she will gonna have a baby. But i realized that there is something wrong. When i look at her poo tub, i saw pus and really smell stinks. So i search about my observation towards her and i really think it is pyometra. Last night she didn't eat but I don't know why she ate the food I served. I don't want to loose her. I really want her to have a check up on vet but I don't have any money because I'm just a student. My question is that, is there still a chance that she can survive from pyometra without treatment? I hope for your answer. If there is no chance then it will really gonna be sad Cause I can't afford surgical or any antibiotics. All i can do is watch her that breaks my heart
March 18, 2018
Azizzah M.

My cat had pyometra surgery 2 years ago. It went great full recovery but today i noticed puss coming out of her vagina. How is that possible? Its been 2 years and everything was fine. She was clean last night?!
Sept. 22, 2018
Deirdre W.
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European Shorthair
6 Years

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4 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Vaginal Discharge
I had bring my cat yesterday to the vet and he gave her 2 injections of Antibiotic against Fever,but he didn't make any analysis. The next day, the day I'm writing now, she still expulse white liquid from his Vagine. She only sleeps. I went to the vet Thursday,which is now Friday and he told me to come back at Monday,but I'm very worried it will get worse. What should I do? The vet doesnt work Saturday and Sunday. Should I go to another vet which is near and is open the week-end? Please I NEED YOUR HELP IM VERY UPSET AND SAD :((
March 2, 2018

Answered by Dr. Michele K. DVM
4 Recommendations
Thank you for your email. It would be a good idea to take her to another veterinarian, today, yes. Pyometra can be a life threatening condition, and she needs to be spayed as soon as possible if that is what is going on with her. No vaginal discharge is normal in a cat, and if she isn't spayed, that is likely what is happening. I am glad that you are paying attention to her, and I hope that she is okay!
March 2, 2018
My cat is 11yrs old and had not been spayed. I noticed spotting in the hallway that included some blood. She was eating and drinking plenty of water as usual. Then over the weekend she became lethargic and I noticed a thick discharge wherever she had been. I told a couple of friends about it and they thought it sounded like a Urinary Tract Infection. I tried Apple Cider Vineger in her food and then water, she wouldn't touch it. She's sleeping in weird places (for her), behind the sofa, under the toilet bowl etc. w/her face toward the wall. She wouldn't touch her food or drink very much water this morning. And was so weak she had trouble walking. I took her to the vet. She said she was very sick. Her electrolytes were off and she was afraid her kidneys might be failing. Her temperature was 93. They're keeping her overnight to stabilize her and then we'll see if she's strong enough to have surgery. But the Dr. Said even after that the kidneys might not respond. She said they "might" be failing. I love this cat more than I can express. I was diagnosed w/Cancer myself and I just can't tell you how much this cat means to me. The Dr. mentioned Euthenasia (?) but I just can't yet. How do you know when it's time? I want her to come home.
Aug. 21, 2018
Larry H.
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11 Months

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4 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Yellow Discharge
My 11 year old unspayed kitten has yellow puss coming from her vaginal area. I have a appointment set to get her spayed in 8 days. I want to know if she has early pyometra should I wait till the original spay appointment or try to get her spayed sooner?
Feb. 6, 2018
4 Recommendations
You should take Luna in to be spayed immediately, after eight days she may not be in a condition to have surgery performed and may need to be stabilised before surgery. You should take her in today to be checked by your Veterinarian. Regards Dr Callum Turner DVM
Feb. 6, 2018
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Persian Norwegian Forest mix breed
3 Years

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1 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Vaginal Discharge
Weight Loss
Poor Appetite
Pus Coming Out Of The Rectum
My cat is turning 3 years soon and she was recently diagnosed with open pyometra. She hasn't been sterilised which is the cause of the pyometra. Vet said it would cost up to $700-$1k for the surgery to remove the uterus and ovaries. It’s passed 24 hours and my cat might have infection as there is pus and blood coming out of her rectum (this was the symptoms that the vet pointed out when she was diagnosed with pyometra so I’m a bit scared). I’m giving her antibiotics as followed but I’m unsure if I need to wait a bit or should I just go to the vets straight? At this point I already used up my money for the first surgery (costs around $800) and I’m scared that she might need another surgery if this is a confirmed case of infection. I don’t think it is normal for the pus to come out after spay but at the same time I don’t think i can afford for another surgery. Oh, there isn’t any bumps or pus coming our from the incisions and I think the rules out infection on the incisions?
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