Sunburn in Cats
Written By Wag! Staff
Published: 12/05/2016Updated: 09/26/2024
Veterinary reviewed by Dr. Linda Simon, MVB MRCVS
Sunburn in Cats - Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, Recovery, Management, Cost
What is Sunburn?
Cats love to stretch out and take a long snooze in a warm, sunny spot — and with good reason. As cats sleep, their body temperature falls slightly, so sunlight allows them to get warm again.
Unfortunately, excess sunlight can be too much of a good thing, especially if the cat’s hair is white or otherwise light-colored, or if the cat is hairless. Sunburn in cats is damage to the skin caused by the sun’s rays.
A cat is most vulnerable to sunburn in body parts that aren’t well covered with hair: Their ears, noses, and any areas covered with white hair. Cats with thinner hair are also vulnerable.
Cats who have developed sunburn will have several recognizable symptoms. Keep reading to find out what those symptoms are and how to treat sunburn in cats.
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Symptoms of Sunburn in Cats
Just like us humans, a cat will show symptoms of sunburn after their skin has had too much sun. These symptoms include:
  • Redness of the skin in exposed areas (ears, nose, eyelids, belly)
  • Pain in burned areas
  • Itching and scratching (which can lead to skin ulcers and infection)
  • Scaly areas of the skin
  • Thickened skin where the burn developed. The skin will look like dry leather
  • Hair loss along the edges of the cat’s ears
Causes of Sunburn in Cats
Cats can easily develop sunburn if they spend too much time in their favorite sunny spots. Some of the causes include:
  • Too much time in sunlight, even indoors
  • A thin or sparse coat of hair
  • Bare spots on the body
  • Hairless-breed cats are the most vulnerable to sunburn even though they need to stay warm
  • Lying in a sunny spot when the sun’s UV rays are the most intense (between 10am and 4pm)
Diagnosis of Sunburn in Cats
The vet will give your cat a full physical exam. As they do so, they will make note of all symptoms that indicate damage to the skin, such as redness, itchiness and scaly spots.
Not only does the vet look for the above symptoms, they also grade sunburns, dividing them into superficial-partial-thickness burns, deep-partial-thickness burns, and full-thickness burns. The last two grades are the most serious forms of sunburn, which will require the cat to be admitted to the animal hospital for treatment that is much more involved than the care a pet parent can provide at home.
Treatment of Sunburn in Cats
Sunburn treatment depends on the severity of the burn the cat has suffered. Treatment options include topical or oral steroids to relieve the skin inflammation, and antibiotics if the burned areas have become infected.
The vet may gently clean or disinfect the skin. They will then apply a burn cream to the area. Some of this care will be prescribed for at-home treatment after diagnosis.
If the cat has suffered a full-thickness burn, the vet treats the cat in the hospital with IV fluids, daily cleanings of the burned areas, bandage changes and, if the burn is very severe, skin grafts. The last treatment becomes necessary if over 15% of the cat’s body was exposed to severe sunburn.
At home, pet parents should limit their cat’s exposure to sunlight when the rays are most intense. Allow the cat to sunbathe before 10am and after 4pm. Pull blinds or curtains shut between those times, especially if the cat’s hair is white or light-colored.
Sunscreens formulated especially for cats can also be applied to the cat’s ears, nose, and near-hairless areas. Sunscreens should not be of the human variety because those products contain ingredients toxic to the cat’s liver. Cats are frequent groomers, meaning the sunscreen can get into their body several times a day.
A gentle misting with cool water may help relieve the pain of a sunburn, although this may require 2 people to accomplish. A more severe burn may be relieved with a cold compress, held on the burned area for up to 5 minutes at a time.
Ask the vet about any cat-safe sunblocks that can be applied to the hairless areas of the cat’s body. Do not use any products with homosalate, octyl salicylate or ethylhexyl salicylate. Products with titanium dioxide can be considered for the tips of ears and noses, but check first with your vet.
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Recovery of Sunburn in Cats
Once the cat has recovered from sunburn, they can return to a normal, full life. However, they should not be allowed to sun themselves for long periods of time as repeated sunburns can lead to squamous cell carcinoma, or skin cancer.
Inside the cat’s environment, pull shades down when the sun is especially intense. Pet parents should also consider adding a reflective film to windows that allow in the most sunlight. These help diffuse the sun’s rays to a degree.
During hot summer months, pet parents should not give their cats full-body shaves. The fur protects their skin from the sun’s harmful rays.
Sunburn can be expensive to treat. If you suspect your cat is at risk of sunburn, start searching for pet insurance today. Wag!’s pet insurance comparison tool lets you compare plans from leading companies like PetPlan and Embrace. Find the “pawfect” plan for your pet in just a few clicks!
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Sunburn Questions and Advice from Veterinary Professionals
10 Years

2 found this helpful


2 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Ear Inflamation, Black Spots
my 10-year orange-white old cat has very light-coloured ears. I was in the country for 2 months and he used to stay in the sun for sometime. I tried to keep a reasonable schedule but it is not easy. I use do protect his ears with a paste of clay (sun-exposed) and water. Recently I realized that his ears are quite red and hot and with one bleck spot on each side. I have been cleaning the inflamed skin with mineral water and applied a light cover of clay.
Sept. 9, 2018
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10 Years

0 found this helpful


0 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Dark Marks On Nose
My white cat Bobby had his ear amputated earlier this year as he had cancer. Recently we have noticed a dark flat mark appear on his nose. There has been a small mark there for the last 2 years, but recently it has gotten bigger. With him already having had cancer this year, I am worried he now has it in his nose. He is 10 years old and isn't showing any other symptoms except for the marks at this point.
Sept. 3, 2018
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8 Months

1 found this helpful


1 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Hair Loss
Red Ear
Hi I have just noticed that my cat has a patch of hair missing on one of her ears and then skin underneath is sore and red. She is not acting any different but I’m am very concerned as to why this has happened. She is a Ragdoll mainly kept inside but she does come and explore in the garden when we are outside (mainly on sunny days) we have noticed that she does tend to stick to the shade but we are worried that it may be sunburn? Please do you have any advise or ideas as to what this may be and what is causing it?
July 3, 2018
1 Recommendations
Without examining Duchess it is difficult to say what the specific cause of the hair loss and irritation is; allergies, parasites, infection, environmental factors (like sunburn), chemical irritation among other causes may lead to similar symptoms. Bathe Duchess with a mild shampoo (give a topical spot on flea and tick treatment if she hasn’t received recently) and keep her strictly indoors, monitor for improvement; if you don’t see any improvement visit your Veterinarian. Regards Dr Callum Turner DVM
July 4, 2018
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Cornish Rex
2 Years

7 found this helpful


7 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Redness And Pain
He is very sensitive to anyone touching his head or ears, just noticed that they are very pink. I am thinking sunburn what can I put on it. It is not severe just enough to cause him discomfort.
Jan. 9, 2018
7 Recommendations
Sunburn can be serious in cats especially in breeds like Cornish Rex, if you are noticing some sunburn you should apply a cold wet towel to the affected areas; there are topical sun creams designed for pets (don’t use human products as they contain zinc oxide and are toxic) which may be soothing. If the sunburn is severe, you should visit your Veterinarian for a check as a more aggressive approach to treatment may be required. Regards Dr Callum Turner DVM
Jan. 9, 2018
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Mr. Squiggles
24 Years

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1 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Red Blistering Skin
From a young age I have always loved cats. They were so fluffy, cute, and loving. Many would say my interest grew into an obsession. Cat posters lined my room, I started staying home with my cat instead of going out with friends. Some say that the cats ruined me, but I don't see it like that. My wife may have left me, but cats never did. In a way, I felt like a cat. I held more in common with them, I got along with them, I did everything in life with them. Then finally I opened my eyes and realized the truth I had been missing. I WAS a cat. Now I know that some may laugh and think this absurd. That's okay, I fully expect that and don't care. But this is who I am. Once I embraced the lifestyle and my true self, I finally for once in my life felt alive! I started with simple things. I started eating and drinking out of a bowl. The second big event in my transformation was when I realized how hypocritical it was of me to go to the bathroom on a nice comfy toilet while cats had to sit on grain. I changed this problem by buying 382 bags of cat litter and filling an entire room with it. It has worked really well! The cats and I LOVE using it and it definitely has been a bonding experience:) . The last (and hardest) thing to change was my method of transportation. While walking on my two legs definitely was easier, I realized that I was just exhibiting common binary thought behavior. When I finally made the change it was life changing. Running around on all fours felt so natural! While a lot of my cats do tend to prefer staying indoors, I have to say that I'm more of an adventurous kitty ;) . I do love me some nice days in the great outdoors! Unfortunately, due to my way of life, transportation gets very hard. Driving a car became impossible and I have been stopped by numerous cops who say "it isn't acceptable behavior" to walk on all fours down the street and sidewalk. This has definitely been the hardest part. This cisnormative society that continually puts our kind in danger by not even recognizing our existence is always on my mind. Regardless, I think I have gotten a system down that works really well for me and my fellow cats! I have been getting everything delivered from Amazon since they do not discriminate against my lifestyle. This helps because I can stay put and continue my cat life. I spend my days playing outside and running free. Which brings me to this forum. Because I spend about 20 hours a day sleeping now (mostly outside), how do I prevent myself from getting absolutely destroyed by the sun:( . I have turned so red that the other cats have become afraid of me and hide all day. I'm starting to feel alone again just being my myself and this has to change! Does anyone have a suggestion besides regular sunscreen? I would really appreciate it!
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