Digestive Problems in Dogs
Digestive Problems in Dogs - Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, Recovery, Management, Cost
What are Digestive Problems?
Sometimes the causes of digestive upsets may be as simple as a dog developing intolerances to food or eating garbage, to something more severe, such as bacterial or viral infections and the presence of disease. Many cases of digestive upset often share similar symptoms such as diarrhea or constipation, colic, lethargy and/or an inability to consume meals. Thus, as result, most digestive problems rely on supportive care as a method of treatment.
The digestive tract involves all the organs responsible for digestion, absorption, movement of food, and excretion. These organs include the esophagus, stomach, small and large intestine, pancreas, liver, colon and anus. Often, when a digestive problem becomes prevalent in a dog, a veterinarian's main goal will be to isolate where the problem has occurred.
Symptoms of Digestive Problems in Dogs
  • Vomiting 
  • Diarrhea
  • Depression 
  • Blood or mucus in stool 
  • Changes in stool consistency and color  
  • Abdominal pain (colic)
  • Abdominal distension and bloat 
  • Inability to eat food
  • Lethargy and depression
  • Anorexia ( for chronic cases)
  • Fever 
  • Diet
  • Bacterial infections
  • Viruses 
  • Disease
Causes of Digestive Problems in Dogs
  • Eating inappropriate foods that are indigestible
  • Changing type of dog food too quickly
  • Consumption of garbage
  • Pancreatitis due to feeding food high in fats
  • Gastroenteritis 
  • Bacterial infections (E.coli, Campylobacter, Salmonella variants)
  • Parasites (hookworms, whipworms and Giardia)
  • Viruses (canine parvovirus, distemper, canine rotavirus)
  • Inflammatory bowel disease 
  • Hemorrhagic gastritis
Diagnosis of Digestive Problems in Dogs
The veterinarian will first conduct a full physical exam on the dog; questions asked may include duration and onset of clinical signs, history of vaccines, travel history and behavior of the animal. If it is suspected that bacterial infections may be involved, blood counts, bacterial culture, fungal culture, blood chemistry panel and urinalysis may be done.
If suspicion of parasitic infections is the case, then a stool sample may be taken in order to determine number of eggs and species of parasites residing in the dog.
For cases that may be viral, tissue samples may be taken and antibodies towards a probable virus are measured through the use of an enzyme assay test known as ELISA. X-rays and ultrasounds may be done to rule out the possibility of intestinal obstructions. An endoscopy may be done in cases where there is a possibility of inflammation.
Treatment of Digestive Problems in Dogs
Once the cause of the digestive problem has been diagnosed, then the veterinarian will create the appropriate treatment plan based on the cause. In general however, digestive problems as a result of viral infections often simply involve supportive care until the virus runs its course. This may often as well be the case for chronic diseases such as colic and pancreatitis.
Supportive treatment for diarrhea and vomiting may often involve the administration (subcutaneous is minor, intravenous if severe) of electrolytes and fluids in order to prevent dehydration. Antiemetics (anti-vomiting) drugs may be given in small dose to reduce nausea and vomiting in dogs.
For mild cases involving improper diet, your veterinarian may simply suggest trying your dog on food for sensitive stomachs. Ideal diets may involve low fat foods with a high amount of insoluble and soluble fibers. 
In severe cases where obstructions may be prevalent, surgical intervention may be necessary. For cases such as bloody diarrhea associated with gastroenteritis, veterinarians may administer antibiotics to halt the possibility of bacterial infections. Antiemetics and plasma transfusions may be given should the dog lose a significant amount of blood plasma. Enemas may include isotonic saline, lactulose or mineral oil. Laxatives may be added to food along with fiber supplementation which includes 1 to 4 tbsp of pumpkin or 1 to 2 tbsp of wheat bran per meal.  
Inflammatory bowel disease first involves the use of medications such as fenbendazole (50 mg/kg/day) and then the use of sulfasalazine to reduce any inflammation of the colon.
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Recovery of Digestive Problems in Dogs
For acute cases, prognosis is often good and recovery may take anywhere from days to weeks. Often, for simple digestive issues, owners may need to just take away their pet’s solid food for 24 hours till the upset stomach clears out. In many cases that involve allergies or intolerances, owners may put their pet on a food trial to see which proteins can be tolerated by their pet.
Dogs diagnosed with intestinal parasites may be put on broad spectrum anthelmintics in order to decrease and kill any parasites residing in the gastrointestinal tract. Supportive therapy such as iron supplements and nutrient dense food may be given in extreme cases where parasites may have caused anorexia and anemia in the dog.
Other cases that are more chronic, such as inflammatory bowel disease, may simply involve supportive care for the pet through the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, omega-3 fatty acids and probiotics as this disease cannot be cured.
In the case of viral or bacterial infections, your veterinarian may suggest that in the future the dog should be vaccinated for common viral/bacterial agents in the area. For example; canine parvovirus may be given once every 3 years after the dog has received its first set of vaccines.
Digestive Problems Questions and Advice from Veterinary Professionals
Great Dane
20 months

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6 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Regurgitation, Vomiting, Lethargic
Sudden onset of regurgitation upon eating royal canin great dane. Followed by vomiting to empty stomach. Normal bowels. X-rays showed no obstrution or dilated esophagus. Holds down water and chicken and rice just fine. Will puke with eating a single royal canin piece. Previously had diarrhea issues while on blue buffalo chicken and brown rice. Mix the royal canin great dane with purina sensitive systems lamb and rice. Have not tried feeding only lamb and rice purina. Could this be an allergy, an underlying disease, etc?
July 12, 2020
Answered by Dr. Sara O. DVM
6 Recommendations
Hello, This could be an allergy but could be an underlying condition. I would first try to switch him to a limited ingredient dog food to see if that helps will this issue. You can also have him tested to see what he is allergic to. If this change in food does not help, it would be best for your dog to have a full GI workup. This may include x rays with barium, a GI blood panel, fecal cultures, and abdominal ultrasound. Some vets feel comfortable doing these test and some will refer you to a specialist. I hope your dog starts to quickly improve.
July 12, 2020
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Labrador Retriever
17 Years

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1 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Not Drinking
Struggling Eating
It began with diarrhea, with no blood in urine or stools. We began giving her chicken and rice. It seemed to help for one bowel movement. Then a few days after we began feeding her only chicken and rice we tried to give her half dog food and half chicken and rice to see how it affects her and it gave her diarrhea again (no blood). So we switched back to all chicken and rice. She has been on the chicken and rice diet for a week; beginning yesterday she started having diarrhea again (no blood) after not having a bowel movement for multiple days. Recently she has struggled eating, it almost looks like she is choking on the chicken and rice but she isn't coughing its more like she is trying to chew it and spit it up at the same time. Is she eating it too quickly, or what would cause that? She began this process by drinking a bunch of water and now she won't drink any water at all. She has always had arthritis issues and we have her on Glucosamine for that. She is extremely old but there are times where she still acts like a puppy but other times she is extremely lethargic but that could also be old age. We are going to take her into the vet within the next 2 days but I would like to know ahead of time what to expect and to get a second opinion.
Sept. 20, 2018
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2 Years

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1 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
Drinking Water
Lack Of Interest In Food
my dog has been throwing up the past 2 nights at approx. 11pm. She is a very food motivated weimaraner, and she's eating but not as she usually eats. We use a puzzle bowl to slow her down and right now, she could use a regular bowl. She is drinking and her bodily functions are normal; pooping etc.
Sept. 6, 2018
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Staffordshire Bull Terrier
5 Years

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2 found this helpful

My pet has the following symptoms:
my dog has been sick for two days is this likely to be an infection or something else she started eating yesterday but today again is not interested in food.although she is still drinking water it isn't very often,
Aug. 24, 2018
2 Recommendations
Without examining Bella it is not possible to say what the cause of the sickness is, there are many possibilities from infections, poisoning, internal conditions, foreign object obstruction among many others; if there is no improvement it would be worth visiting your Veterinarian for an examination to be on the safe side especially before the weekend. Regards Dr Callum Turner DVM
Aug. 24, 2018
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Golden Retriever
Six Months

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My pet has the following symptoms:
Mucus In Stool
Loose Bowel Movements
Soiling Crate
6 month old Golden Retriever with 4 month history of digestive issues. "Koda" kept on breeders brand of feed. Koda began soiling crate at night. Stools were loose. Over time trials of different foods, feeding time changes, and limiting pm water intake was implemented. As a puppy there was a preference by Koda to poop and pee in the snow. She would do this on walks as well. Since snow has melted more issues have arisen. She will not defecate at home but will each morning when brought over to sitters. She will no longer "go" during a walk. Her stool can be loose for days and eventually became very mucusy. She was put on Pancur "just in case", Flagyl, and Royal Canin sensitive stomach food mixed with boiled Hamburg with rice. She is also being treated for an ear infection because ear is red. The ear is clean and has no bad odor. Koda has never had a long time of "normal" stools which may have been aggravated by the crate soiling which lasted many weeks and still occurs occasionally, and a suspicion of rough treatment with all this happening. No terrible consistent abuse.
May 20, 2018
0 Recommendations
Cases like this can be difficult to get to the bottom of as there are many possible factors which may contribute to these symptoms which may include stress (fear, anxiety etc…), infections, parasites, food sensitivity among other causes; since Koda is choosing to defecate at the sitters and not at home indicates a level of control and intent with the defecation but it is difficult to say if it is relevant to the loose stool or not. I cannot think of anything to add which may help since all options I could suggest have been tried. Regards Dr Callum Turner DVM
May 20, 2018
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6 Years

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My pet has the following symptoms:
Diarrhea, Gassy, Loose Of Weight
My dog is a Shitzu and she is 6 YO. Her stool all of a sudden changed in color and consistency. It starts out OK in the morning and then seems to get loose towards the afternoon. I also noticed that she is somewhat gassy. She was worse a few months ago and not as bad now. She has already been placed on an antibiotic, just in case, as well as something to help control the diarrhea she was experiencing as that had gotten really bad one day. These meds were given to her when this first started and then she had a repeat dose of the diarrhea meds since she had a bad bout of diarrhea. She has since finished this medicine (about 5 days ago). She is also going more frequently and the amount she goes has increased as well. Her stool has been checked and a UA was also done and everything has come back negative. She eats and drinks like normal. That has not changed at all. She is very playful and acts normal. No change there at all. Any thoughts/suggestions? She is now on Hills Rx food for digestive problems and has been on this for 2-3 months now. She has lost some weight. We were originally trying to have her lose weight too as she was 17 pounds. She is now 15 pounds (I believe) since this all started. We are trying to get her to gain back some weight and keep her in between 15-16 pounds.
2 Years

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My pet has the following symptoms:
Vomiting Burping
Oliver, our almost 2 year old Goldendoodle began throwing up last night and couldn’t stop. A trip to the vet and ER surgery to remove a foreign body led to the vet finding a paralyzed digestive system and bad inflammation of his stomach and esophagus. How does something like this happen? The vet seems to think he ate something that caused the paralysis, but I doubt it. Could this be genetic? I am beyond confused and don’t know what to do. He is recovering at the vet’s now, but what do I do when we get him home if he can’t eat? What if this flares up again? Are there meds to manage this digestive disorder? I’m sure our vet will answer some of this. He already had tummy trouble-gas, burps; which we manage with a high quality, balanced home-cooked diet and probiotics. I don’t know what to do and further testing/analysis is getting cost prohibitive. This seems so unfair to my fine, happy friend.
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