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- Scratching ears
- Chewing on ears
- Hair loss around ears
- Redness and swelling
- Foul smelling discharge
- Scabs, lesions
- Bleeding
- Shaking head
- Crusting or scaling on ear edges
- Allergies can be caused by contact, food, or pollen and presents in many ways including intense scratching anywhere on the body including the ears
- Cellulitis is an infection of the skin usually called juvenile cellulitis because it almost exclusively affects young dogs between one and four months old; signs of this may include little pus-filled bumps on raised red skin
- Injury may be from bites from other animals, burns, and lacerations
- Mange is a seriously contagious disorder that can produce hair loss, redness, swelling, severe itchiness, and is caused by ear mites
- Seborrhea is dry, scaly skin usually showing up in cold weather
- Any dog can develop skin problems; Golden Retrievers, Gordon Setters, and Dachshunds appear to be at greater risk than other breeds
- German Shepherds, Rottweilers, Saint Bernards and Golden Retrievers seem to be predisposed to developing acute moist dermatitis, also known as hot spots
- Dogs living in hot humid climates, and long-haired breeds, are also at increased risk
- Because the causes of dermatitis are so varied, there is really no way to accurately generalize about which breeds or mixed breeds are predisposed to developing skin irritation
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