

5 min read


Is Your Dog Impatient?



5 min read


Is Your Dog Impatient?

Let’s face it we’re living in an impatient world where the clock is ticking and there never seems enough time in the day. Everyone is feeling the heat from the guy whose boss wants that work on his desk pronto to the solo mom trying to make ends meet. It’s a busy world and it's sure to have an impact on the family dog who is the master at picking up human vibes. 

If your cruisy pooch is raising the roof and barking more than usual, it could be a sign they are not getting enough attention or exercise. Your lack of time could be causing them distress as they act out like a toddler having a tantrum. Dogs can get impatient when they feel they're being ignored. Read on to find out more!

Signs a Dog's Feeling Impatient

Has your minxy, little mutt begun barking when it's mealtime or just because they know they can?

Demand woofing can drive you up the wall as it gets under your skin and makes you a little crazy. Babies cry for their momma and some dogs bark to get what they want. Once they know you’ll respond, that irksome habit is set in stone. Dogs are definitely clever creatures who know when something works.

The same goes for treats. If you’re overly generous with handing them out, your cute Pug is going to hound you for treat after treat. They'll stare lovingly into your eyes and if that doesn’t work, they’ll tilt their head and try the whining act. If all else fails, a raised paw will seal the deal. If you’re a soft touch, that little Pug will already have devoured their first offering.

If you’re trying to get the housework done in time for a dinner party to impress the new boss, chances are your pooch will be doing it with you. They’ll tune their energy into yours and bound around the living room while you're trying to vacuum the carpet.

Our ultra-busy lifestyles affect our mutts, who start acting up in all kinds of frustrating ways. A trip to the local dog park finds your stroppy Samoyed getting down and dirty with one of the other dogs. Your neighbor's Labrador came to say hello and because Sammy was feeling edgy, she snapped at the pooch - telling it to buzz off. This had come after a morning of home crazy, with restless kids scrapping over the TV remote. Sammy picked up the aggression and took it to the doggy park.

Dogs mirror us, so if they start behaving like the Loch-Ness monster, you might have to look at your part in the behavior. Gone are the days where life moved at a respectable pace. It’s all go now and our pooches are trying to keep up.

Meal times can be bedlam at the best of times and while you’re prepping with the kids asking for help with their homework, your dizzy Dachshund is checking out the food bowl.

You dutifully fill it as Scooter gets fussed with one of the kids wanting to play. You warn them off, but it’s too late, Scooter is all riled up and wants some peace to eat his chow. He growls and then lunges at the offending child who screams for his mom.

Body Language

Signs of an impatient pooch are:<br/>

  • Growling
  • Staring
  • Barking
  • Head Tilting
  • Whining
  • Snapping
  • Paw Raised

Other Signs

More signs a dog is demanding include:<br/>

  • Aggressive Behavior With Other Dogs
  • Snapping At The Kids
  • Demand Barking
  • Picking Up On The Busy Vibes In The Home
The History of Impatience in Dogs

We could forgive our Canis lupus familiaris for getting a little impatient with us, humans. We are a strange breed that to a dog might seem a little neurotic as we race through life getting a good education, nice partner, then mortgage and kids. A dog that was bred many times over for hunting might mistake us for a bear or rabbit as we flash past them trying to get ready for work.

Their humble beginnings as a wolf roaming the world in search of the next meal might seem attractive compared to the liveliness of a modern human family. That’s why it’s important to choose the breed of dog that fits well with your lifestyle.

If you’re an active, outdoor person a Jack Russell terrier or English Springer Spaniel will love hiking the trails with you. For the couch potato, a Basset Hound or Shih Tzu could be the pawfect fit for watching the game.  Living in an apartment? A chummy, Cavalier King Charles or Brussels Griffon will love snuggling up in a smaller space.

A little PI work and you’ll know what breed is right for you. That way, dog and owner are compatible with fewer mutts being taken to the shelter, citing irreconcilable differences for the divorce.

Science Behind Impatient Pooches

Scientists are adamant our pre-school woofers are as intelligent as a 2- 3-year-old child, although some think it’s more like 2-5 years of age.

A study featured on The Atlantic concluded that impatient parents are the key to frustrated, upset kids. Researchers at the Oregon State University requested information from families with adopted children in addition to videotaped parent-child interaction. They also took on board the child's genetic heritage. 

We adopt our dogs, often having no idea of their genetics or history. The rescue mutt who’s seen the bad side of humanity may not have much patience, while the new puppy feels anxious watching their pet-dad going off at the kids. Patience is a virtue and one we need to get right for our dogs.

It's so easy to get impatient when you're trying to teach your dog basic obedience. Some mutts pick it up quickly while others take forever. There's no point in getting mad as, like kids who are learning new words or math, there are going to be the bright ones who learn fast while some pups struggle with the concept. Dogs are individuals and different breeds have exceptional talents.

Adopting a pooch can improve your health as their mere presence is known to reduce blood pressure, and everyday stress. Dog owners exercise more and beat the loneliness bug with a pooch to hang out with and share their innermost thoughts. Perhaps we can repay such generosity with a calm home where our dogs won't feel demanding or impatient.

Training Impatient Pooches

Dogs soak up the ambiance where they live and if the household is high-energy, your pooch may start demanding to know where they stand in the pack.

Elvis Presley junior was a German miniature poodle adopted some years back by the author. Elvis was two years old and climbing up the walls when she came to see him. Her heart wrenched at the sight of his recent haircut attempted by his older German pet-parents. It was clear they had let his hair grow long and his hyper-active mode suggested he had not known exercise. 

Taking this beautiful boy home began a journey of discovery. Elvis was an impatient soul who had been contained for the first two years of his life without knowing much about the outside world. The owner soon learned an open door was his bid for freedom and once, she let him off in the park to see him run until he could run no more. Elvis was impatient in everything he did and it took a long- while for him before he felt at ease with his new, freestyle life.

Dogs that demand-bark to get the treat, toy, walk, or attention can send you scurrying to the pharmacy for pills to soothe an aching head. Too often we react to our pups persistent nagging by yelling or appeasing them with exactly what they want.

With a toddler brain at work, you can guarantee the pooch will run this by you again as woofing up a storm gets tons of yummy treats. It’s not the fault of owners, either, as they could be over-extended with work or kids, having little time for puppy tantrums.

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Written by a Japanese Chin lover Linda Cole

Veterinary reviewed by:

Published: 04/30/2018, edited: 04/06/2020

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